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What is the best DVD/film version of Hamlet?

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...(that's the one my kids watched and enjoyed) and I also like the one with Ethan Hawke. (Ducking the tomatoes.)


Actually, I haven't seen the Kenneth Branagh version, which surprises me. I'm thinking that there's some reason? Is it not out on DVD, could that be it? (Off to Google...I think that our library here has it, though, so I might have to remedy that.)

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Anything with Kenneth Branagh, aka He Who Shall Be Revered, is worth watching.


Except for Wild Wild West. Everyone working on that movie should have sought careers in other fields. Immediately.


of the YouTube version, his hair is so-----whitish-blonde! And, he's dressed more as an Englishman (it appears), not as a prince of Denmark. Nevertheless, I can hardly resist Kenneth Branagh! Henry V can't be beat!


Did any of you see "Shackleton" with Branagh in it? It was amazing! Beforehand, I was on an "Endurance" kick and read everything I could get my hands on about the Endurance expedition.

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I got to see/hear him do a small snippet of his Hamlet at UCLA - for wahtever reason the Theater Arts Dept. had him there as part of the Olympics hoohah back in 1984. So I snuck in and saw my (then) crush :cool:


I mean it - no better Hamlet. Although Larry O. comes close.

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I think I'll have to join! I'd like to see the one with Branagh, but I also love Derek Jacobi!


Really, you can't go wrong with any of the great actors and actresses that the Royal Shakespeare Company has produced: Kenneth Branagh, Ian McKellan, Derek Jacobi, Christian Bale, Sean Bean, oh---and what's the name of the actor that played Colonel Brandon in "Sense and Sensibility"? He's excellent, also! Dame Judi Dench! Really---they're wonderful!


Can you post a link to the one with Derek Jacobi? Thanks so much!

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Beleive it or not--Marc Singer (Beastmaster, V) is also part of that list ;)... I forget the play, all I remember is "loin cloth, chain around neck". hehhhe


But, who is this Marc Singer that you speak of? Do you have a photo or clip of him? I've probably seen him around, but can't place him.


Nevertheless, I'm always impressed by the quality of actors that come out of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Top-notch! :D

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I loved Branagh in Hamlet! And I agree that the costumes are unusual. Horatio looks like he's in the late 19th century, and the guards (Jack Lemmon, et al) look like WWII German soldiers.


past the unusual costumes and setting of this version of Hamlet? Does the acting "draw you in," so to speak, despite the costumes?



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past the unusual costumes and setting of this version of Hamlet? Does the acting "draw you in," so to speak, despite the costumes?




At first I was taken aback, but after we got into the story, the costumes and set didn't get in the way at all. ER & I both thought the movie flowed very well. There was a scene or two done "out of order" (as compared to the published versions we've seen), but they seemed to make more sense that way.

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I'm going to join the faction that doesn't like the Branagh Hamlet. Absolutely interminable and so bright it was hard on the eyes. I didn't expect to like the Mel Gibson one, but it ended up being our favorite of the two--atmospheric, great costumes of the period, and Glenn Close is also terrific.


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My 15 yo ds son says this is a no brainier and y'all are off your rockers because it is the version with Sir Laurence Olivier. I prefer the Gibson version myself but I am not a fanatic although I do live with a Hamlet fanatic. Ds saw the Olivier version when he was 12 and tries to watch it at least once a year. He thinks all the other versions are weak although he thinks Branagh's Henry the V is passable. I and he think the Olivier version is the longest.


Fun thread

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But, who is this Marc Singer that you speak of? Do you have a photo or clip of him? I've probably seen him around, but can't place him.


Nevertheless, I'm always impressed by the quality of actors that come out of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Top-notch! :D

Google him ;) Marc Singer is all you need to type in. Here is his IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001743/


And blasphemers to all those who shun Brannagh!!!!!!! How dareth thou.. uhhh... anyway..


Hussey/Whiting in Zeferelli's version of Romeo and Juliet--mmmmrowr!!

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The play with Marc Singer in it is Taming of the Shrew. That is the first Shakespeare play I ever saw (in high school) and I am telling you, Marc as Petrucio (spelling) is STUNNING. Made me sit up and clap. He has a fine bod....and the play was done as a choral, sort of in the round - wonderfully funny....

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