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What is more slimming?

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Don't do the vest. Only really slim, fit women can pull it off. Vests don't do well on women because of their curves. Perhaps you don't like your body but that outfit sounds really drab. How about this..


Black pants (don't do tapered fit!!!)

black v-neck top (get a shaped top not just a rectangle shirt)

a beautiful scarf to tie in knot around your neck OR a pretty beaded (largish beads) necklace that fits in the spot of the V


You should look smashing in it no matter you body type. Top it off with a perfume.

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Don't do the vest. Only really slim, fit women can pull it off. Vests don't do well on women because of their curves. Perhaps you don't like your body but that outfit sounds really drab. How about this..


Black pants (don't do tapered fit!!!)

black v-neck top (get a shaped top not just a rectangle shirt)

a beautiful scarf to tie in knot around your neck OR a pretty beaded (largish beads) necklace that fits in the spot of the V


You should look smashing in it no matter you body type. Top it off with a perfume.


I concur.:D I love saying that. It reminds me of that scene from "Catch Me If You Can". But, really, LG is right about this.

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My mom said the same thing! About the v neck and the scarf! Ugh! I am not sure about the scarf. I am VERY um, well endowed on top and I am scared of adding something there (scarf). I was thinking the vest would like "suck everything together" kind of like a sausage in casing?:001_huh:


I am well endowed at the top also. Black is my friend :001_smile: and so are v-neck tops. I don't do vests well at all. I completely agree with LG's advice.

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I was thinking the vest would like "suck everything together" kind of like a sausage in casing?:001_huh:


OMGosh!! I have nothing to add, but your comment just killed me. You're lucky I wasn't drinking coffee or I'd have to send you a bill for a new keyboard. :lol: I am well endowed up top too so I "get" what you're saying.:D


LG's recommendation does sound like a good one and I don't think the scarf will bring too much attention to the wrong areas.

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My mom said the same thing! About the v neck and the scarf! Ugh! I am not sure about the scarf. I am VERY um, well endowed on top and I am scared of adding something there (scarf). I was thinking the vest would like "suck everything together" kind of like a sausage in casing?:001_huh:


Um, sausage in a casing works very well for ground meat. You are not ground meat. The sausage in a casing idea does NOT translate well for people. That is not a flattering look.


As for the well-endowed thing, don't try to cover it too much. Play along with your curves and try to dress to flatter what you have rather than trying to squeeze into looking like you have a different body type. That rarely works. Remember that most of us have what we consider figure flaws. I used to wish for more in that area. Women are entirely too critical of their bodies. Wear clothes that fit well and flatter your shape instead of what flatters someone else's shape.

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My mom said the same thing! About the v neck and the scarf! Ugh! I am not sure about the scarf. I am VERY um, well endowed on top and I am scared of adding something there (scarf). I was thinking the vest would like "suck everything together" kind of like a sausage in casing?:001_huh:


I've got a rack too. Do the scarf. It will draw attention to your FACE, not chest. Truthfully, the vest will make you look hokey.


Do get a shaped shirt. It will fall away from your tummy and not bunch up around your hips the way regular shirts do. Plus, they are more comfortable.


Tie the knot around your neck like a choker. Put the knot on the side. One end of the scarf should drape the front of your shoulder and the other end should cascade down the back of same shoulder.


BTW, the scarf should be an elegant color or design. I don't recommend the BOLDEST color, go soft: gold, peach, cream, pink, mossy light green, dusty blue.



If you do beads, I think you can get away with almost anything.

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To me this means stretchy shirt that shows my shape. Is that wrong? If it falls away from my tummy, I CANNOT look pregnant. NOt that there's anything wrong with that, but not what I am going for. Anyone have a picture of this elusive v-neck shaped shirt??? Thank you so much, you guys are saving me. I think I was trying to channel my inner hockey mom with the vest adn updo maybe?;)

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I was thinking the vest would like "suck everything together" kind of like a sausage in casing?:001_huh:


When the topic is flattering our figure, I like to avoid anything that resembles "sausage in casing".


Take a look at this image. I wear this sort of combination of stretch shirt and scarf regularly. I don't wear my shirt as tight as is shown here, but the shape of the shirt give the appearance of a waist (which I do not have).

I often wear black pants and shirt with a scarf of muted colors.



A wrap shirt, like this one, is also very flattering for a fuller figure. If you don't like the look or feel of the scarf, a pretty necklace looks nice with the V neck of this style.

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I really like it.

Shirts like these are very versatile. Since I don't buy a lot of clothing, I usually choose things I can just as easily wear with a pair of jeans and flats as with slacks, heels and a few accessories to dress it up.

This top would fit the bill perfectly.

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Don't do the vest. Only really slim, fit women can pull it off. Vests don't do well on women because of their curves. Perhaps you don't like your body but that outfit sounds really drab.


Is this outfit appropriate (read: good enough) to wear on NYE to the nightclub/restaurant that we partly own/hubby performs there? Ugh. I am thinking hair up (then I can color it instead of having to get a haircut)? Please stylefairy, come visit me with your wand!;)


Melissa in St Louis




Everyone has given you some good ideas and that pic is cute.


If it were me, I would go with an a-line type shirt with a scoop or v-neck - I have gotten some real cute ones at Lane Bryant. Then pair it with a loud necklace, black pants and you will look much more appropriate for the NY night scene.


I concur.:D I love saying that. It reminds me of that scene from "Catch Me If You Can". But, really, LG is right about this.



DH & I love that movie and that is the one "big" word that is understood in our house...lol!

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but not a stretchy material. A wrap would be great since it will accent your waist showing your curves. As for the color, if you are going to wear black pants, try to choose a colored v-neck top, maybe with a geometric pattern. This will draw the eye up to your face. However, I do know color choice of the top is critical, one that will complement your complexion. Finally, choose a flat heel or high heel depending on which one will allow your pant hem to hang just above the floor. If the high heel lifts the hem a ways off the ground, go with a flat. Your shoe should have a pop of color. Oddly enough, you don't have to match the color of your shoe to your top.


I think I've been watching too much of TLC What Not to Wear. But Stacy and Clinton do know their stuff.



Claire in NM

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is a shirt that is cut to mimic a woman's shape. It goes in a the waist (a little) and flares out at the hips. A regular shirt would be too tight in the bust, too blousy at the waist, and too tight and bunchy at the hips.


The shirt you linked to is not bad but you might run into trouble w/ buttons pulling open at the chest area and then you would look like a stuffed sausage or at least uncomfortable. Also, button down shirts that are left untuck run the risk of making you look a little sloppy - not always but sometimes. Try going for a shaped tunic.


Somebody mentioned a wrap shirt or faux wrap. That is also very good. If you dare you could get a wrap dress and it wouldn't have to be black. You could get it in a color that suits you. Let everybody else hide in black!


Lastly, if you are up to it just get a slimming/control undergarment. Nobody has to know. I suggest black so it feels less like your grandmother's underclothes.

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Well, I didn't make it to Kohls today as I was too busy getting decorations up for the parties...2 nightclubs...both overbooked...300-400 people with more likely to end up at the door wanting a ticket..we HAD to get the balloon drops up and the decor looking great! Hopefully tomorrow after my little cuties go to Camp Grandma for the night, I will be able to pull it together!


I already have the spanxx undergarment - love it! I am torn about the shirt, I agree that the buttons might pull since they usually do. I am just going to drop the kiddos off early and go try on stuff. At least now I have a plan!!:D I am most excited because DH and I will at least get to see each other for a bit tomorrow. With the 2nd club opening a week ago, and all of the holiday parties at the 1st club, it's been nuts! Really, I just want to look great for him since he is the "big shot" there and everyone knows him. But no pressure. :tongue_smilie:


Melissa in St Louis

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