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Cat on House Arrest

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After her disappearance the other day, can you believe our cat tried to flee again this morning? So, now she wears the collar. As you can tell, it isn't her favorite thing, but at least now the birds will be safer and our neighbors will know who to call when she wanders onto their porch.

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Ahhh...she is cute. Looks like one of mine except mine is gray/brown. I have 4 kitties and they all have collars, bells and tags. They get used to the collars pretty quickly and it is good to have that ID on them even if you microchip too.


Do they go outside? Or are the collars a precautionary measure? We've never allowed our cats out, but we think this one was allowed to roam before we got her. She is always looking for an escape!


Tomorrow we get a tag and collar for the other cat!

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Do they go outside? Or are the collars a precautionary measure? We've never allowed our cats out, but we think this one was allowed to roam before we got her. She is always looking for an escape!


Tomorrow we get a tag and collar for the other cat!


Mine are all indoor only but one in particular seems intent on escaping. She never gets far because it startles her when she gets in the front yard and comes right back but I worry. I think the collars and tags are a good precaution in case of emergencies that could cause them to get out or when they go to the vet.


I don't worry about the collars being caught on something because we only use cat safe break-away collars. I know they work because occasionally we'll find one in the house minus a cat. It is good to test them though before you purchase.

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