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My house is quiet!

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As a homeschooling parent, I often feel that I don't have a minute to myself. Not to pee. Not to nap. Not to think. So, I wish outload for a little peace and quiet. PLEASE -- I just need some space.


Then, Slither!Ooze!the wish for quiet comes true!! Only it comes not from a magic wand but through a crack in the wall, or on a bit of goo from a door knob in the public libary. And it calls itself flu. And, it takes the kids down, down, down. I'm telling you, my girls are slammed, hit by a train, sick something awful. Both are fevered, and thick with chest junk. Both are barely awake but not quite asleep. There are no dishes to wash because neither child is hungry. When I ask the little one what I can do for her, she looks at me and says, "Make me feel better!"




I'm sitting in an infirmary and wishing I'd made a different wish.



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I'm sitting in an infirmary and wishing I'd made a different wish.




It's hard to be completely explicit mid-fuming about the wish for peace and quiet, isn't it? "I wish I could have some peace and quiet while everyone else is whole and healthy and happily engaged with encouraging uplifting people I trust wholeheartedly and nothing in the house is broken or in need of replacing and my library stash is fresh and there are plenty of snacks."


*whew* I'm tired just trying to cover all the bases, and I'm still sure I missed something.


Here's hoping things are up and running again soon!

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I know what you mean.......I crave peace and quiet often and rarely get it.......but I try to remain patient as I know time will pass quickly enough and I'll wish for the noise once more.


We had a quiet Valentine's dinner at home while the kids were on dates or at a dance........it was nice, but there is still something surreal about it.


I wonder if we are ever happy?? LOL!

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poor girls!


My one bit of advice is whenever your dh is home, run out quick to the library and get STACKS of books and videos. That way if you do get slammed with it, too, there will be things to occupy the girls as they recover and things for you to mindlessly watch/read if you feel bad enough to stay in bed.


(this happened to me last week - just went to the library on a whim and next day was down and out in bed. Yay, books!)

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Ah, sweetie. I hope they're better soon.


Get yourself some osillococcisomething and start dosing if you feel even a twinge of this nasty stuff. I wish I'd been smart enough to remember to do that last week. :mad:


Now you're sick? Oh, I'm so sorry! I've been dosing the kids with the oscillo and feeling pretty happy about how regularly I've remembered that for them. Your coupon was a huge help, too! BTW, did I ever tell you what my friend who is studying to be a homeopath told me about that stuff? She says, "You know, you needed swallow a whole vial for every dose. It's just like any other remedy -- you only need a couple pellets at a time and you'll get the same effect. The "whole vial" thing is just a way for them to sell more of it." :eek::eek::eek:


Makes sense. Makes me mad and happy all at once. I've been giving the kids about 5 pellets every hour. Sure makes it go farther!



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Now you're sick? Oh, I'm so sorry!



Noooo, I had the flu last week. Ok, week before last? Wed - Monday.


I'm fine now, just low energy worrying about the kiddos. Two exams tomorrow, and I can't for the life of me force myself to study for them. :(


Thanks for the concern, though. AND for the heads up from the homeopath. Cool.

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Can you boil yourself in some Lysol while the girls are down? I hope you don't get sick, too and that everyone is healthy soon.


LOL! I'm spraying myself with various oils -- thyme, tea tree...all the heavy hitters for anti-everything. If nothing else, the house smells good.:cool:

Since the girls share a room, it's pretty likely that they'll infect each other. And, how I hate the fact that when the youngest comes to "cuddle" in the midst of this I feel like I need a gas mask!


This too shall pass, right? And, Jennifer -- you're right. Videos and books are our best friends. We're lucky in that the library is right across the street from us. Sadly, it will be closed tomorrow for the President's holiday. We've watched some really LAME-O movies in the past two days. One good one, though -- King of Masks.


Thanks for the well wishes both of you!



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