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help with pathway from 5th grade math to Algebra

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Hi everyone! My son is ten, will be eleven in August, and is gifted in math. We have experimented with different math curricula over the years, including Right Start, which gave him a fabulous mental math foundation, CLE, Math Mammoth, and have now been settled with The Good and the Beautiful math for grades 3-5. TGATB has worked for him and I have found it surprisingly thorough and quite conceptual compared to many "procedural only" curricula I have looked at or used. I've been pleased with it, and he is halfway through grade 5. He strongly prefers spiral curriculum and I want to honor that as long as I can. He is awesome at mental math and loves problem solving but has not enjoyed curriculum like Beast Academy that is a little more free thinker or abstract. He is more of a linear thinker who appreciates some variety. For example, I do not think he will be a good candidate for Jacobs Algebra, but I could be wrong. 

I do not like that the font in the Good and the Beautiful student workbook has getting smaller and smaller with each grade. I understand that this happens from elementary to middle school, but it seems like many of the problems and text in this 5th grade workbook appear to be in an 8 point font, which I don't think is healthy for a child's eyes. This issue has left me wondering if we should try to find another program for the next few years.  I can see the value in him starting to get used to a textbook and copying problems rather than a student one-use workbook. 

I took Algebra 1 as an 8th grader in public school and I think he will be very ready to start Algebra 1 when he turns 14. That leaves him three school years to get from here to there. I do not want to rush it, of course, if there are stumbling blocks and he needs more time, but I want to set up a plan to allow him to move at this pace if it works out. 

Do any of you have some wise input or suggestions for a different program for grades 6, 7 and Pre-Algebra that we might consider? 


Edited by dodgeat2
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Denison Prealgebra is meant for struggling students, but it has the large font you're looking for. Maybe you could use it as a pre-prealgebra curriculum before beginning a prealgebra textbook like Dolciani.

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Right start G and H are very interesting reviews of elementary math (mostly via games that can be played solo), introductions to algebra (Pythagorean theorem, moving figures algebraically...), and tons of practical geometry (using shadows to find building/ tree height, lots of work with circles and triangles).

Most every lesson uses a drawing board. It is written to the student. It does make the student think, but gently leads them to the answer also.

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Horizons doesnt have small font and is spiral. Hands On Equations Verbal Problems Book is a great word problem supplement to Horizons. 

My bbn kids have used MUS's alg (which is now what is referred to as their Legacy ed) for pre-alg. (It is a very white space, simplified alg program.)

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On 6/11/2024 at 10:16 AM, dodgeat2 said:

He is more of a linear thinker who appreciates some variety. For example, I do not think he will be a good candidate for Jacobs Algebra, but I could be wrong. 

Why don't you think he would do well with Jacobs exactly?

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So is the only reason you don’t want to use TGATB the font size?? 
My son sounds just like yours, only one grade ahead. We have been very pleased with TGATB and I wouldn’t let font size be a deterrent! 

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