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Tear Jerker Christmas

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Okay I am a crier(hmm cryer?) at the best of times but my ds5 had me an emotional wreck today. I was happily opening gifts, excited to see every item I asked for collecting in my pile, when I came to his homemade gift for me. He painted a lovely little jewelry box. That is not the part that had me crying.


I open the box and inside is a little ziploc baggie where he had taken money out of his piggy bank for me and a note dictated to grandma. The note read the money was to help pay the rent and water, and it would make me cry because when I am happy I cry. Also in the box was a little candy heart to make me feel better after I cry he said.


YEah I was a mess, even writing about it makes me tear up. First off the fact he even worries about giving me his money breaks my heart, but the fact that he would even think to do that (and that he knew it would make me cry) warms my heart that he is already so compassionate and thoughtful.


The jewelry box, money/note and all is going to have a special place in my room forever more, and I plan to take it out and read that note everytime I get stressed out about finances, or kids or life in general and remind myself of my little boy giving the little bit he had just to make his momma so happy she would cry.

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