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Any ideas for a icing "GLUE" for making graham crkr/gingerbread houses?

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DD 6 (the baby) thinks she remembered doing this for every Christmas, "since I was born"..

in all actuality we only made them last year, but cannot remember what we did for "glue"... any ideas?



as a side note::001_smile:I do remember being surprised that the 3 teen really enjoyed this project, as well.

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we just did this on Wednesday:




you need a recipe that includes beating the tar outta egg whites and adding powdered sugar. That stuff is like concrete and sets quickly.


2 large egg whites

1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar

2 teaspoons water

3 cups sifted powdered sugar



Beat egg whites, cream of tartar, and water until frothy. Blend in sugar on high speed until stiff, 5 to 10 minutes. Use immediately or cover and use within 8 hours.



I put it in a ziploc baggie and snipped the corner off to pipe the icing on. worked like a charm :)


use it for cementing the candies on too!

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Just add more powdered sugar. I would just use a thick icing. A little milk and powdered sugar. Make it thick enough and it should work just fine.


Thanks Mindy! The gingerbread is smelling quite good - I couldn't find molasses so I just used pilloncillo (don't know if you have it in the US) as almost all sugar down here is unrefined and pilloncillo is pretty much molasses. I think I needed cloves though. Couldn't find that anywhere and actually brought the ginger from the US. Should be interesting.. :)

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We make a sugar syrup by dissolving regular white sugar in a little water over a gentle heat. Once it is dissolved boil your syrup until a little dropped into a glass of water is hard.

You have to work fairly quickly with this and get a few hands to hold the sides of the gingerbread up (mind everyone's fingers because it is really hot).

Now dribble the sugar syrup along the edges and hold the gingerbread in position straight away. It cools super-fast but nice and clear.

This year I took my time and made two batches of this because it cooled so quickly.

To clean the pan afterwards, simply soak in hot water.

Merry Christmas in Mexico!

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Well, the Royal Icing sucketh green donkey balls. I'm SO disappointed! The kids were actually trying to cheer me up. :(


The icing absolutely NEVER got hard - no matter how much sugar I added. Maybe the heat (in the 80's) and humidity (70's) or the sugar or something make this impossible here. Or maybe *I* just suck (PMS much?). :(


We got it together enough to start the roof before it caved in a number of times, tried a different roof, tried toothpicks, and now I'm just done. I'll use the candy and excess dough to simply make cookies that they can eat. Sigh.

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Well, the Royal Icing sucketh green donkey balls. I'm SO disappointed! The kids were actually trying to cheer me up. :(


The icing absolutely NEVER got hard - no matter how much sugar I added. Maybe the heat (in the 80's) and humidity (70's) or the sugar or something make this impossible here. Or maybe *I* just suck (PMS much?). :(


We got it together enough to start the roof before it caved in a number of times, tried a different roof, tried toothpicks, and now I'm just done. I'll use the candy and excess dough to simply make cookies that they can eat. Sigh.




Would you feel better knowing you'll be laughing about this someday?


Chin up! Your kids sound sweet and isn't that better than gingerbread houses?



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