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Medrol pack - side effects?


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I was prescribed a Medrol pack and am a little worried about side effects.  I already struggle with insomnia, anxiety, and weight gain and am worried the meds will make those worse.  I was wondering if anyone has experience with this and could share.  Thanks!  

Edited by Kassia
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Medrol is methylprednisone. Most dose packs are short term. The inflammation you likely having causing the need for medrol can also cause the same things you are worried about, IME. I personally feel great on steroids, but YMMV. Crying/mood instability and blood sugar instability are more common at very high doses.

On a total aside, Kassia, and out of respect and concern for you—have you noticed that you have an uptick in your concern about weight issues when you are ill? No need to disclose if you have disordered thinking about eating, but I think I have noticed a spiral pattern of anxiety/weight worries when you are posting about being ill. I mention it because it’s a common flare up of anxiety thinking when inflammation levels are high in the autoimmune world, and if you haven’t connected those things together, I wanted to mention it. Maybe have someone else IRL be in your thinking loop about those things if that is an issue?

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@prairiewindmommathank you!  I've had a lifelong battle with eating disorders/disordered eating.  Weight/food/size/exercise are always on my mind, unfortunately, and I've always been very open about that.  I hope I haven't discussed it too much here.  The medrol is for the neuropathy I'm experiencing in my lower body - my neurologist suspects inflammation in the nerves due to spinal issues.  

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4 hours ago, KSera said:

It would be wonderful if it would help make that better for you!


4 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Not at all. Brains are glitchy things and sometimes our thinking gets stuck in unhelpful places.

🤞this works for you!


4 hours ago, Starr said:

I do fine on a dose pack. Ive had to take higher doses that caused irritability. Bonus is that my knees always feel better no matter what was being treated! I hope it helps you!


Thank you!  I hate taking meds, but this could be diagnostic and also the hope is that they will work and I can avoid surgery.  

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