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S/O Chatting on the phone


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I thought it was weird my mate kicked me out instead of inviting me to go along grocery shopping. I could have pushed the trolley! But hey, I'm the person who shows up unannounced so who am I to judge?

How does conversation happen? My mate says "Hey! Come in!" I go in, they apologise for wearing their old bathrobe and a beanie, which I think is weird because it's winter, they weren't expecting visitors and I don't care what they look like anyway. They tell me off for bringing food if I bought some and I tell them why I'm justified and they shouldn't complain, so they make me a cup of tea and complain about their last job interview or lack thereof. I boast about dd and tell them I watched the sci fi movie they recommended and either say I enjoyed it more than I expected or ask them why they like such a dreadful sexist movie and tell them the book was better. They make me some more tea, which I drink, because I'm probably going to refuse to eat their food later. They tell me not to be silly and I don't have to drink the tea if I don't want to, but I don't think that is true so I have a third cup so I can use that as an excuse not to eat their food later if I don't want to. They tell me about their plans for the garden and I ask why they even have plans for their garden when they don't like gardening. I tell them about my garden, which they also don't care about because they don't like gardening, but maybe they want me to bring them some silverbeet next time I come around, or some rosemary. I tell them the rainbow chard is definitely rainbow chard and not rhubarb and do they really think I've come here to poison them with rhubarb leaves and I don't show up to lie either so why would I start now, and they assure me they don't think I'm a liar or a poisoner, and I make a mental note to bring some rhubarb next season so I can tease them about it. They tell me they're dreadfully embarrassed because their son refused to say hello and I tell them not to worry about it because we had an argument and aren't speaking. They ask me if I'm sure I don't want to stay for dinner and I say "I've been here for six hours, so I think it is time I went home. Cheerio." 

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11 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Sounds like the Jennie Allen book... but that just seems really weird to me...let's go to Walmart together...  I don't know.  Then, I guess I wouldn't know what to say if I didn't have an agenda.  Hey, I am not giving excuses.  I might try calling them when I am camping.  But somehow describing everything we are doing would feel like rubbing it in.  

Like I said, I think I have completely forgotten the art of just chatting.  Generally, all of my conversations, including ones with the kids an, d my husband have an agenda of some kind.  Never really realized that, but yea..

So...how do you now what to talk about?

Sorry, I just need to have all the ducks in a row so I know how to do this. 

What usually happens with my errand friend is that we've had to cancel a time or two and we look at our schedules and go, "Wow. Okay, not gonna happen as lunch or coffee or whatever, but I do have to pick up dry cleaning and pay the water bill and return something to Walmart, so you wanna ride along?"

And you chat about the same things that you would on a coffee date face to face?

How is your mom? Is your son having success with his therapies? Oh, I talked to my dd last week, and boy and I worried about her."

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1 minute ago, Rosie_0801 said:

I thought it was weird my mate kicked me out instead of inviting me to go along grocery shopping. I could have pushed the trolley! But hey, I'm the person who shows up unannounced so who am I to judge?

How does conversation happen? My mate says "Hey! Come in!" I go in, they apologise for wearing their old bathrobe and a beanie, which I think is weird because it's winter, they weren't expecting visitors and I don't care what they look like anyway. They tell me off for bringing food if I bought some and I tell them why I'm justified and they shouldn't complain, so they make me a cup of tea and complain about their last job interview or lack thereof. I boast about dd and tell them I watched the sci fi movie they recommended and either say I enjoyed it more than I expected or ask them why they like such a dreadful sexist movie and tell them the book was better. They make me some more tea, which I drink, because I'm probably going to refuse to eat their food later. They tell me not to be silly and I don't have to drink the tea if I don't want to, but I don't think that is true so I have a third cup so I can use that as an excuse not to eat their food later if I don't want to. They tell me about their plans for the garden and I ask why they even have plans for their garden when they don't like gardening. I tell them about my garden, which they also don't care about because they don't like gardening, but maybe they want me to bring them some silverbeet next time I come around, or some rosemary. I tell them the rainbow chard is definitely rainbow chard and not rhubarb and do they really think I've come here to poison them with rhubarb leaves and I don't show up to lie either so why would I start now, and they assure me they don't think I'm a liar or a poisoner, and I make a mental note to bring some rhubarb next season so I can tease them about it. They tell me they're dreadfully embarrassed because their son refused to say hello and I tell them not to worry about it because we had an argument and aren't speaking. They ask me if I'm sure I don't want to stay for dinner and I say "I've been here for six hours, so I think it is time I went home. Cheerio." 

I think you and I could be friends if we ever lived in the same area. This is my kind of friendship.

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14 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Sounds like the Jennie Allen book... but that just seems really weird to me...let's go to Walmart together...  I don't know.  Then, I guess I wouldn't know what to say if I didn't have an agenda.  Hey, I am not giving excuses.  I might try calling them when I am camping.  But somehow describing everything we are doing would feel like rubbing it in.  

Like I said, I think I have completely forgotten the art of just chatting.  Generally, all of my conversations, including ones with the kids an, d my husband have an agenda of some kind.  Never really realized that, but yea..

So...how do you now what to talk about?

Sorry, I just need to have all the ducks in a row so I know how to do this. 

No. Not Jenny Allen. I hated that book. Thought it was super lame.

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8 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

I thought it was weird my mate kicked me out instead of inviting me to go along grocery shopping. I could have pushed the trolley! But hey, I'm the person who shows up unannounced so who am I to judge?

How does conversation happen? My mate says "Hey! Come in!" I go in, they apologise for wearing their old bathrobe and a beanie, which I think is weird because it's winter, they weren't expecting visitors and I don't care what they look like anyway. They tell me off for bringing food if I bought some and I tell them why I'm justified and they shouldn't complain, so they make me a cup of tea and complain about their last job interview or lack thereof. I boast about dd and tell them I watched the sci fi movie they recommended and either say I enjoyed it more than I expected or ask them why they like such a dreadful sexist movie and tell them the book was better. They make me some more tea, which I drink, because I'm probably going to refuse to eat their food later. They tell me not to be silly and I don't have to drink the tea if I don't want to, but I don't think that is true so I have a third cup so I can use that as an excuse not to eat their food later if I don't want to. They tell me about their plans for the garden and I ask why they even have plans for their garden when they don't like gardening. I tell them about my garden, which they also don't care about because they don't like gardening, but maybe they want me to bring them some silverbeet next time I come around, or some rosemary. I tell them the rainbow chard is definitely rainbow chard and not rhubarb and do they really think I've come here to poison them with rhubarb leaves and I don't show up to lie either so why would I start now, and they assure me they don't think I'm a liar or a poisoner, and I make a mental note to bring some rhubarb next season so I can tease them about it. They tell me they're dreadfully embarrassed because their son refused to say hello and I tell them not to worry about it because we had an argument and aren't speaking. They ask me if I'm sure I don't want to stay for dinner and I say "I've been here for six hours, so I think it is time I went home. Cheerio." 

I often don't go home, lol

But yeah, this is about it. 

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