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Requesting books to be purchased by the library


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I often do that, mostly books that y'all have recommended, and most of the time they do end up buying them. But lately, oh boy, it must be book buying season because the books I've requested are coming in hot and heavy. Four in the last 2 days. And because I requested them, they get put on hold for me, which is great, except when 4 come in all at once. There is going to be a lot of fast reading in my immediate future.

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I have this problem too and it stresses me out having too many books that will need to be returned soon.

My library does have a suspend feature on holds so I usually have around 50 books on hold with many of them suspended until later.  But sometimes there are too many books I *have* to read right away and they all end up coming in at once.  Like now (sounds like a common problem!).

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