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Online Geology Tutoring?

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My sixth grader would really like to take a geology class, and she has request having more "one on one" classes this year. Do online science classes work very well? It feels like a tangible subject being taught in an intangible way? Also, any ideas on where would I find such a tutor? Appreciate your thoughts. 

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You could look at Science Mom's Earth Science (if you Google that, it should come up easily). It's a mix of explanation, watching demos, and doing a few activities at home. Kids will learn more with parent support, but they can learn a lot just from the videos. That isn't at all one on one tutoring, but maybe if she finds a particular area of interest you could then find a college student studying that area to do some additional tutelage.

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FWIW, teaching one on one in the way you are describing takes an enormous amount of work outside of the time one is actually interacting with the student.  It is not the same as tutoring, which is going in behind another teacher and shoring things up on the fly.  Because of this, it is going to be very difficult to find someone who actually does such a thing regularly, since most people won't be willing to pay what such a service is worth.

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Not one on one, but have you checked Outschool or Athena’s or other online providers who do middle school/logic stage things?

I’d try to pair something like that with good books and something in-person/hands on. Check your local nature centers, state parks, science centers etc. 

A Boy Scout Geology badge book might be a helpful resource for getting started. 

Find a good earth science middle school text and use the geology section as a spine? 

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