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Did anybody miss me?

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Hubby has been home for three weeks so I have been quite busy and haven't been able to visit much. He just left for a ten day trip though so I will try to do some serious visiting before he gets home for the holidays.


I bought my last item today. If I don't already have it, it is on its way in the mail. I do still need to buy a ham but otherwise I am good. My oldest dd gets to come again for Christmas so all is looking good. I hope things are going as well for everyone else.


ps - someone forgot to inform my town that there is a recession in progress. Crowds and traffic are just as bad as always. :auto:

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Sorry, but I'm not observant enough to notice who's here and who's gone, although I check in everyday to see what's going on. I'm glad you had time w/your husband, and that your shopping is finished.


My dh and I were out shopping on Sat. night and I made the same "what recession" comment to him. The crowds looked the same as every year. Maybe people just weren't buying as much? Who knows.


Happy day!



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