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Who's the funny purple guy?

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Last year a distant family member gave my boys McDonald's gift cards for Christmas. We recently realized that the cards were still sitting around so I took the boys for french fries on our way back from the library this afternoon.


While we were standing in line Hunter saw a poster with all of the restaurant's characters on it and asked, "Who's the funny purple guy?"


Jeffrey laughed and told him it's called Grimace, and I was surprised that he didn't know. I can't recall the last time we went for fast food, but I assumed he would have seen the advertising. Do they not use the cartoon characters in ads any longer?

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Yup thats grimace, but when I first read, I thought Barney.



Despite a healthy diet of Mickey D's as a child, we've really worked to eliminate the stuff from our current diets (which is not meant to be any sort of judgment on you, Crissy -- just an explanation of why I don't remember). Very limited TV exposure just ices the cake. I'll have to ask my kids if they know him, just for fun.


Newbie, if it was Barney, she'd have had to put "funny" in quotes! Barney?! :shudder:

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