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World History for Late Elementary/Early Middle Grades?

Classically Minded

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Does anyone know of a curriculum or plan that has what I'm looking for?  I'm wanting to cover world history in 1 year, or maybe even 2 years, just a general overview and something that utilizes a wall timeline.  My DS9 has loved A Child's History of the World as a gentle introduction with stories but now I'm wanting more, but I don't want to dissect the world history into 4 years, and I also don't want to do American history right now.  Not even sure if what I'm envisioning exists, I could probably make it myself this summer but I'm hoping someone has already made it. 

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1 hour ago, Green Bean said:

k12 Human Odyssey books are great as a spine. 

I do have all 3 but too advanced for what I need right now, we may use them in a couple of years when my DS9's attention span is a bit longer lol.  I also don't think I could do them in one or two years at his age - 2-3 years from now probably.

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42 minutes ago, nwahomeschoolmom said:

Never seen this one before and it looks almost perfect for what I was looking for!  I would have to make a wall timeline myself.  It reminded me of Notgrass' Adam to US, which I had forgotten about, which also doesn't come with a timeline.  I wish I had hard copies of both of these to compare.  I'm wanting more world history than whole chapters or sections of Biblical history because we already have a separate Bible we do that covers that with wall maps and timeline.  Is the CLE textbook heavy on Biblical history or does it just add it in briefly?

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1 hour ago, Classically Minded said:

Is the CLE textbook heavy on Biblical history or does it just add it in briefly?

I haven't used it myself, it just on my short list for things I may use in the future.  My guess is it doesn't include a lot of Bible since they have a separate Bible curriculum.  They have a scope and sequence page on the website that might help.  I actually just looked at it and noticed it was very pro-Anabaptist in some parts (I am not Anabaptist), but all things considered, it looks good.  It is really hard to find good history curriculum which is why I usually make ours!

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2 minutes ago, nwahomeschoolmom said:

Also, you might like this book as a supplement if wanting a more traditional/classical approach to Church History.  We are using it as a supplement next year: https://www.paideaclassics.org/store/p33/A_Children's_History_of_the_Church__(Paperback_Only).html

I was just looking at your signature and saw you had a workbook for CHOW!  I wish I knew that in October, we are over halfway through the book now.

Thanks for the Church History one too, never even thought they had a church history supplement for children.  I have 2 but both are high school level.

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I've spent hours going over my options, here is what I have so far for a 1-year overview for World History of which most I'm not really happy about:

  • Notgrass' Adam to US - I just feel it is missing too much in what it covers and covers things that I don't care for
  • CLE's Across the Ages - 7th grade level may be too advanced right now
  • Abeka's History of the World - 7th grade level and may be too advanced right now
  • Sonlight's Intro to World History - can be done in a condensed 1yr but made to be done in 2yr; utilizes Usborne World History book, would take out the planning part for me!

I could just make my perfect curriculum for world history this summer just like I imagine it, but I kinda want a more relaxed summer this year.  So, Sonlight is looking good for world history.  Then there's always just doing SOTW 3, followed by SOTW 4 in 5th grade, but we've tried twice in the past using SOTW with my DS.

My son also chimed in today that he wants to learn about American history again.  So, even though I don't want to go through that again just yet, I'm considering it.  I found some that can be done in 1 year: A Child's Story of America from Christian Liberty or Abeka's The History of Our United States, and then I came across All American History, which I fell in love with, but it is a 2-year program.

I would like to use my Human Odyssey books for grades 6-8, so what to do for grades 4 and 5 is the question.  I could fill those 2 years easily with All American History or I could do one of year world history and the other American history, using one-year books.  If I did that, maybe he'd be able to handle the CLE or Abeka world histories in 5th grade more than in 4th.

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18 hours ago, Classically Minded said:

... My son also chimed in today that he wants to learn about American history again...
I would like to use my Human Odyssey books for grades 6-8, so what to do for grades 4 and 5 is the question.  I could fill those 2 years easily with All American History or I could do one of year world history and the other American history, using one-year books.  If I did that, maybe he'd be able to handle the CLE or Abeka world histories in 5th grade more than in 4th.

That sounds like a workable plan -- 2 years of All American History. Esp. if that's what your son is ASKING for -- you can't beat that kind of buy-in! 😄

Lots of resources out there for that age to cover US History:
- Sonlight -- grades 3 and 4 booklists
- Build Your Library -- grade 5 (US part 1) and grade 6 (US part 2) booklists
- Beautiful Feet Geography & map pack -- US Geography using the 4 Holling C. Holling books
- Complete Book of U.S. History -- this has some fascinating units that are different from the typical topics
- Liberty's Kids episodes (gr. 3-6) -- animated series on Colonial history
- "I'm looking for movies to supplement Sunlight's Core D - Intro to American History" -- past thread with movie go-along ideas
- Drive Through History -- Christian; American history is linked; there are other series as well

Or... alternate ideas for 4th-5th grades, so you can save your History Odyssey for middle school years:

World Geography and Cultures and Comparative Religions rather than History
It's a fantastic way to prep for History -- understanding the culture and beliefs of peoples, so you really "get" why they made the choices they did (which creates the history).

You naturally would get a bit of History, and there is definitely enough countries (almost 200!) to spend a good years on that type of study. Example: one year could focus on Asia + India + Middle East, and the other year could focus on Africa + Europe + South America. Here are a few resources:

- Guest Hollow Jr. Geography (gr. 1-6)
- Mapping the World With Art (gr. 5-10)
- Galloping the Globe (gr. K-4)
- Exploring Planet Earth (by John Tiner) (gr. 4-6)

Series of unit studies
Do 1 year of American history for your DS + 1 year with choice of units below, OR, go with 2 years of choice of units below -- maybe if doing 2 years of units, do biographies that focus on famous Americans to connect back in with DS's expressed interest... Just brainstorming here. 😉 

Unit ideas to get you started:
- biographies of famous people
- state unit -- your state's history / geography / culture / landmarks / key people & events / Native cultures
- Native American peoples and cultures
- civics/government for kids
- personal finance for kids
- current events
- history of science -- ideas: Beautiful Feet pack (gr. 4-7); History of Medicine (4-7);
- history of... (fill in with topic of high interest to your student): exploration weapons, food, sports (or a particular sport), dance, computing / electronics, etc. etc.

And whenever you do World History:
Guest Hollow's History Shelf -- list of books & videos for supplements
- Schlessinger Media -- Christian, kids videos in MANY subject areas, including World and US History

Edited by Lori D.
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1 hour ago, Lori D. said:

That sounds like a workable plan -- 2 years of All American History. Esp. if that's what your son is ASKING for -- you can't beat that kind of buy-in! 😄

Lots of resources out there for that age to cover US History:
- Sonlight -- grades 3 and 4 booklists
- Build Your Library -- grade 5 (US part 1) and grade 6 (US part 2) booklists
- Beautiful Feet Geography & map pack -- US Geography using the 4 Holling C. Holling books
- Complete Book of U.S. History -- this has some fascinating units that are different from the typical topics
- Liberty's Kids episodes (gr. 3-6) -- animated series on Colonial history
- "I'm looking for movies to supplement Sunlight's Core D - Intro to American History" -- past thread with movie go-along ideas
- Drive Through History -- Christian; American history is linked; there are other series as well

Or... alternate ideas for 4th-5th grades, so you can save your History Odyssey for middle school years:

World Geography and Cultures and Comparative Religions rather than History
It's a fantastic way to prep for History -- understanding the culture and beliefs of peoples, so you really "get" why they made the choices they did (which creates the history).

You naturally would get a bit of History, and there is definitely enough countries (almost 200!) to spend a good years on that type of study. Example: one year could focus on Asia + India + Middle East, and the other year could focus on Africa + Europe + South America. Here are a few resources:

- Guest Hollow Jr. Geography (gr. 1-6)
- Mapping the World With Art (gr. 5-10)
- Galloping the Globe (gr. K-4)
- Exploring Planet Earth (by John Tiner) (gr. 4-6)

Series of unit studies
Do 1 year of American history for your DS + 1 year with choice of units below, OR, go with 2 years of choice of units below -- maybe if doing 2 years of units, do biographies that focus on famous Americans to connect back in with DS's expressed interest... Just brainstorming here. 😉 

Unit ideas to get you started:
- biographies of famous people
- state unit -- your state's history / geography / culture / landmarks / key people & events / Native cultures
- Native American peoples and cultures
- civics/government for kids
- personal finance for kids
- current events
- history of science -- ideas: Beautiful Feet pack (gr. 4-7); History of Medicine (4-7);
- history of... (fill in with topic of high interest to your student): exploration weapons, food, sports (or a particular sport), dance, computing / electronics, etc. etc.

And whenever you do World History:
Guest Hollow's History Shelf -- list of books & videos for supplements
- Schlessinger Media -- Christian, kids videos in MANY subject areas, including World and US History

WOW!  What a treasure trove you have left me!  Thanks for all that, definitely going to use a lot. 😍

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After agonizing hours and days, I finally made a decision and I feel VERY good about it!  I researched, looked at samples and watched videos on a lot of curriculum.  While I was watching a video on Sonlight world history, I had a recommended video on YT below it - a book I've never seen before and HOW in the world could I have not seen this book!?  It's called, A Short History of the World by Usborne books.  It is absolutely perfect for me to have a brief overview of world history and make our own timeline with!  I feel that's all we'll need for world history until we do Human Odyssey in 6-8th.

So, I'm going to do a few months, maybe 2-3, going over the world history.  Then, we are doing All American History!  I've read a lot of blog reviews, looked at samples, watched two videos (hard to find any) and I read comments - one being from a historian and he said it was a very good and accurate.  This seems like a gem and I don't know why I've never heard about it until I saw it on Cathy Duffy's top picks.  I don't think a lot maybe even know about it and seems like the publisher, Bright Ideas Press' website is down.  I was able to buy it from Rainbow Resource thankfully.  I'm also going to use some American history books and things we own and the things Lori D. just left!  I'm excited!! 😁

I actually have planned out what we are doing from now until high school tentatively:

4th grade - All American History Volume 1

5th grade - All American History Volume 2

6th-8th grades - Human Odyssey

High School - Notgrass' US History and World History

Edited by Classically Minded
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  • 1 month later...

A Short History of the World by Usborne is working perfectly for our brief overview of all of world history!  I actually decided to do it at the end of this year (3rd grade) because we had time to finish it all by summer.  It is everything I had been wanting - gives us the ability to flesh out wherever his interests fall as we read along.  We do 3 pages a day, then look in various encyclopedias we have and things he really interested in, we find videos on.  We split world history up into the 4 parts that the book does and it has really helped my son "get" the different times as we go along.

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