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Need Xmas gift help

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What should I buy for an Angel Tree gift for a 41 yo woman? Her card just said "anything". We also picked a 3 yo boy - he was easy to shop for :) Should I get her some bath & body stuff and maybe some chocolate, or just a gift card to Target or what? Help, I only have a couple of days left :eek:

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That's great that you're doing this!


I would love gettting the b&b items, but because my sister is allergic to some scented body products, I always hesitate to buy those for people I don't know well.


How about fun socks? Hand towels for bath or kitchen? Inspirational or funny book? Desk or purse calendar?


It's always so hard when you don't know much about the person, but really want to get something that will be enjoyed.


Happy shopping!



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What should I buy for an Angel Tree gift for a 41 yo woman? Her card just said "anything". We also picked a 3 yo boy - he was easy to shop for :) Should I get her some bath & body stuff and maybe some chocolate, or just a gift card to Target or what? Help, I only have a couple of days left :eek:


I'd vote for some chocolate and the Target gift card. That way there will be a treat for her, and she can use the gift card for something either practical or frivolous.




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Having grown up pretty poor, I have to tell you--a lot of those frivolous things are really hard to enjoy if you're accepting charity. Now...I was on the kid end of things back then, so I could be wrong, but something like a gift card could help w/ an unspoken need--something too small or personal or specific to have listed. And the ability to go get what you need w/ a gift card is *really* nice in those times.

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We've been Angel Tree recipients in the past and I can tell you that if anyone had given me a gift card I would have immediately gone out and spent it on the kids. I couldn't have used it for myself in a million years. For that reason, I would get something personal for her to go along with a gift card.



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Gosh, I would be more inclined to buy her clothes or shoes or something she may NEED rather than the frivilous stuff. I have never been the gift recipient, but I have a family that I know well in my mind - and I can see the mom in my head right now. Her clothes are ratty, torn, and dirty. She shops at our church yardsales for her son...not ever for herself. If I were to give her a candle to burn, she would think it was nuts. She would want clothing for herself. To us, that seems so "necessity" but to her, that is something amazing because she doesn't have the means to buy nice clothes for herself and they are something she can use over and over and over.


God bless your generosity!

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