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Introverts-do you agree with this thought?

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I have realized that while I'm an introvert, a good party, shopping expedition or other event with the masses, periodically is fun too.


Yes. There seems to be a popular misconception that introverts dislike social interaction. I don't think that's true. I am an introvert and I really enjoy getting together with friends. What makes me an introvert is that I am not recharged by that. I have to have time by myself to recharge.


My guess would be that if mentally gearing up for being with people, being with people, and spending energy processing being with people is an ordeal, that's something different than being an introvert.



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Oh my, absolutely. Socializing kills me to no end. Even talking, talking, talking w/my kid.


I feel so bad when I do this, but some days, by the end of the day, I have to ask dd's (and dh) to stop talking to me! I just need "alone-ness" and since that isn't physically possible, at least stop directing thoughts or questions to me!


They think it's crazy, but they usually honor my request!

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Yes. There seems to be a popular misconception that introverts dislike social interaction. I don't think that's true. I am an introvert and I really enjoy getting together with friends. What makes me an introvert is that I am not recharged by that. I have to have time by myself to recharge.


My guess would be that if mentally gearing up for being with people, being with people, and spending energy processing being with people is an ordeal, that's something different than being an introvert.





Tara, I am more like you, but maybe the people who have said that they have issues with social interaction are further along the introvert continuum than you and me. Possibly?


Another thing is just developing confidence, having social skills and knowing how to talk to people. It wasn't until I started going out with my extravert husband that I learned how to talk to people much more easily.

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Yes. There seems to be a popular misconception that introverts dislike social interaction. I don't think that's true. I am an introvert and I really enjoy getting together with friends. What makes me an introvert is that I am not recharged by that. I have to have time by myself to recharge.


My guess would be that if mentally gearing up for being with people, being with people, and spending energy processing being with people is an ordeal, that's something different than being an introvert.


Yes. I'm socially outgoing, chatty and do well in groups. I am also a great public speaker.


However, it absolutely drains me to prepare for those events, "do" those events and I need space before and after.


For me, introversion is not related to anxiety.

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Started social group for all us WACI(WendyK get credit for name). I can be an extrovert there, while maintaining my introvert status.


Plus, I can vent my woes during the holidays, I cant stand the social get togethers, love to ship gifts and cards and phone. I can do w/o all the hubbub.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
I can't remember where I read this (but I'll try to find it and give due credit!) but the thought was about introverts and all the mental/emotional/physical energy expended when going out, socializing, etc. etc. Energy is expended three times for each event-before the event while mentally preparing for it, during the event itself, and then after the event while processing all that happened.


What do you think? I've finally realized what an introvert I truly am and I agree with the thoughts above but wanted to see what others had to say about it.





I am an extreme introvert and I would have to agree. But I also think there are degrees of introversion.


As for me I can still expend energy on an event years after it happened. :tongue_smilie:

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