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Supplements that may help for ADHD?

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DS 11 does not wish to be on Ritalin. I'd be willing to try but he's adamant he doesn't want it. But he would take supplements if I knew what to give him.


Does anyone have recommendations? I don't need brand names, unless you're Canadian. I'm assuming products would be different in each country, but the basics should be the same, I think.

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The Omega 3s are really good.


http://www.omegabrite.com is the one we use. They have some studies on the website that shows the effectiveness for ADD/ADHD. My girls take 3 per day. They do also take Dexedrine but the Omega Brites are a big help.


My friend has her 10 year old son on them and they really help him. She ran out and said that within 1-2 weeks she could tell how much they had been working. They are not fast acting though and it can take 1-3 weeks to see much of a difference.


My dh takes 4 per day for his ADHD and we can see a HUGE difference within a very short time with him. I can tell if he misses even 1 day but most people dont' respond that fast.

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Omegabrite brand actually is important for ADHD. They were specially formulated to have a higher ratio of EPA to DHA that is needed for ADHD. The studies documenting the effects of fish oil used Omega Brite. Choline is another supplement that helps concentration, though you can get quite a bit from two egg yolks a day. Tea also helps concentration(not just the caffeine, but other elements.)


In addition to supplements, there are computer programs that help working memory. There is some thinking right now that the lack of working memory causes the inattention rather than vice versa.


Also, a lot of OT interventions help ADHD: heavy work (meaning exercise), seating that allows movement, etc.


Outdoor time in nature helps ADHD.

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I've found a lot of information in a couple of books our psychiatrist recommended. We did opt to try the meds - and the difference was immediate. My husband deployed last December - and my son had not cried, had not displayed any sadness, even the night dh left. In April we started the meds - and about 4 days later, I found my son in a puddle of tears. His mind had stopped being so distracted that he was able to finally FEEL the sadness. We had tried homeopathics, chiropractic, herbs, etc - and nothing had any effects. He was afraid of the meds, but we sat down and talked - REALLY talked to the doctor about what 'could' happen on them. Once we talked to the doc, and also read more information about ADHD, the brain and the meds, we were much more comfortable. of course, we were in crisis mode... so we probaly would have done anything.


Anyway... I found these two books EXTREMELY helpful. They have lots of information about what ADHD is, treatments of all kinds, etc. Nutrition, supplements, exercise, etc.


Delivered From Distraction (by an MD who has ADHD and does not take meds)

Healing ADHD (by Dr. Amen)

Edited by dawnofmotherhood
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  • 1 month later...

He's now on Omega 3 supplements, since this morning.

The brand I bought at first, he was unable to swallow. This now he can. I don't have the name with me, but it's not OmegaBrite.


Shaklee is indeed available in Canada, in fact, the local Shaklee pusher lives a couple of houses away ;) I'll talk to him.

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The Omega 3s are really good.


http://www.omegabrite.com is the one we use. They have some studies on the website that shows the effectiveness for ADD/ADHD. My girls take 3 per day. They do also take Dexedrine but the Omega Brites are a big help.


My friend has her 10 year old son on them and they really help him. She ran out and said that within 1-2 weeks she could tell how much they had been working. They are not fast acting though and it can take 1-3 weeks to see much of a difference.


My dh takes 4 per day for his ADHD and we can see a HUGE difference within a very short time with him. I can tell if he misses even 1 day but most people dont' respond that fast.



Are these big pills? My DS has a really hard time swallowing pills, and makes an incredible fuss. He was taking the Nordic Naturals Omega 3-6-9 juniors, which can be chewed and have a lemon flavor. He complained so much though, I switched him to Coromega. He makes a fuss about that too, but it's easy to swallow the pudding.


What are the Omegabrites like? Are they chewable? What flavor? My guy has such a high resistance to flavors/foods/textures he doesn't like, I've been afraid to try them.


DS is on Ritalin LA, which helps during school time. He takes the Coromega, as mentioned, but I can't say I see any real benefits. I figure it's good for him, though.

Michelle T

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my dd takes the carlson's fish oils, lemon flavor. I don't know how she drinks it, but she does. They have helped her alot, with moodiness and excessive talking, but she still doesn't focus real well. We'll be having her tested in another year or so. I am on adderall and it has changed my life!


I'd say more, but i'm typing with 1 hand, due to wrist surgery thi AM. I have posted previously about myself, if one is interested in adult info.

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  • 1 month later...

My son is a different child now that he's been on Omega 3 for over a month.

Ok, all the issues didn't disappear, but he can now control his giggling, and he also concentrates much better.

In fact yesterday, he was able for the first time ever, to finish all that was meant to be done on that day! YEAH!

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Thanks, Cleo. My dh is a Shaklee distributor so we're going to try the OmegaGuard and protein shakes and see how that works. I know today was a great day for my ds after I gave him a Vault to drink before school. He didn't complain ONE time about his math and kept his focus and worked so hard. He seemed to ZIP through is subtraction facts today which usually give him trouble. I think I may try it again with him before we get the Shaklee supplements.

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Penny, I'm a Shaklee distributor too and the OmegaGuard & soy shake work wonders here! :) If you have ds use a straw drink with when he takes the Omega Guard (or any other pill) it helps them go down easier because he has to open his throat more with the straw. When I first started getting my boys to swallow pills, I would race them. They loved it! I also told them I would pay them $1 if they swallowed it (just the first time). That was all it took. They both learned to swallow pills that day. :D Hope you find something that works!



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