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Another Coldsore!?! What in the world!!

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Most of you probably don't remember, but I posted a couple of weeks ago about a very painful coldsore that I had. And you all gave me excellent advice, I might add! :D


Last Tuesday, I came down with a killer cold, and was just starting to recover. Then yesterday I realized that I am getting ANOTHER COLDSORE! It is in a different place, thank goodness, and I have started with Abreva already. But still, will this never end? I have never had two this close together before. In fact, I don't think I have ever had two in the same season before. I think my poor dh is afraid to lay in the same bed as me, much less kiss me!


So tell me, is this common? Same virus, or can I expect another round of sickness? Oh Bother! And of course our Christmas Musical is this week at church - and you all know how painful talking and singing with these things are! :001_huh:

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I don't get coldsores, but my best friend does. Her cold sores cycle too - sometimes she will have 2-3 back to back and other times, she won't have them for almost a year. We have been best friends all through school - I drank after her, ater after her, etc when I didn't know better and I have never gotten a cold sore. I think some people just don't get them and others just do. So your dh is probably safe!

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Stress and illness can be triggers, too. I usually get a break out during a round of viruses here at home.


Don't kiss your husband, share towels/washcloths or cups. Keep your hands away from your mouth and wash them with soap and water if you come in contact with the sore or your mouth. I'm very careful during an outbreak and neither my husband of 22 years or any of our children have had any sores.


You could ask your doctor about one of the prescription medications for cold sores. I finally did and the meds work very well. My outbreaks were horrible; they would spread across my face and would sometimes leave scars. Now they stay small and are gone in a matter of days. :)

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I have way too much experience in this. :) Just for clarification, when you say cold sore are you refering to it being inside your mouth or outside? Just checking because it's common to confuse them.


There are outside my mouth, on my lips. This one is in the corner of my upper lip, where I have never had one before. The last one, and every previous one before that, was on my lower lip on the left side. Is that weird, or common?

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They are caused by a virus. Mine come when I have more than the usual amount of stress in my life. And they often come in cycles too. I'll have several and then go for maybe even a year without one. I have gotten a prescription for a steroid that is an oral paste that works wonders. As soon as one begins I treat it, and it goes away. I have told my husband they are so painful, it is worse than the two C-sections I have had. So, I can feel your pain!

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This could be helpful.

We've had good luck with the Quantum Super Lysine Plus+ Cream. (used it for shingles, but it's for cold sores)

You should be able to pick it up at your local health food store or for $7.43+ tax online at http://www.vitacost.com




Lysine is an essential amino acid, meaning that we must get it through food or supplements because the body can't make it on its own. It's used to make protein, which we need to produce infection-fighting antibodies, enzymes, hormones, and body tissues. Lysine has been found to inhibit the spread of the herpes simplex virus.


Although we get lysine through food sources such as red meat, milk, eggs, cheese, wheat germ, brewers yeast, and fish, what appears to be most important is the ratio of lysine to another amino acid, arginine. They compete with each other for absorption in the intestines, so the less arginine there is in the diet, the more lysine is absorbed. Foods that are rich in arginine include chocolate, peanuts, and almonds.


In addition to these temporary dietary changes:

Lysine supplements (e.g. 1,000 mg taken three times a day) may help to shorten the duration of cold sores.


Lysine ointment - a pilot study by the Southern California University looked at the effectiveness of a lysine-containing ointment in 30 people. Researchers found that the ointment produced full resolution in 40% of participants by the third day and in 87 percent by the end of the sixth day. No adverse effects were reported.



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Fellow sufferer here. I've gotten them since I was a teenager. My mom, brother, best friend and dh (of 25 years) and son do not get them. So tell your dh to relax...:)


In my personal observation, stress brings one on faster than anything. And I once came down when one when I accidentally hit myself in my mouth. :glare: And when we had a jeep that we used without the top a lot I discovered that wind chapped lips brings them on...so stay hydrated and moisturized..and keep the stress out of your life. :D

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