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Daily Movement - Thursday, February 11


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Got up and did a 1 mile Walk at Home video. Was inspired because DH who is NOT a morning person got up early and went for a run ( I was actually clueless where he was and freaking out - trust me it was statistically more likely he was abducted by aliens than that he got up to exercise early!) AND my dad mentioned in a text message he went for a 2.5 mile walk this morning. So, peer pressure! About to do my PT before lunch, then DDPY maybe at 6pm live class, or an app workout whenever. Not sure yet. 

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Another less-than-stellar day here so far. I walked about 4K this morning, then went to PT (where they did give me a pretty good workout).

I'm feeling (entirely self-imposed) stress about finishing both of my current walking challenges on time.  I spent a little time today doing the math to figure out how much I need to log on each one each day in order to get them done. (The whole thing is complicated by the continuing time suck of house hunting and the disruption of having our daughter here for a visit.) It's do-able, but I have no more freedom to slack. So, there will definitely be another walk this afternoon/evening. 


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I did 30 minutes on my exercise bike and then a relaxation pilates with my son.

I intended to do another pilates today, but the next video in my sequence is "energizing," and I don't need that this late. I almost went out of sequence, then decided I don't have the energy for any of it. So I'm skipping my pilates today.

Tomorrow will be busy, I'll try to do two pilates tomorrow to make up if I can find time.

I will likely do another round of relaxation movement before bed tonight. 


Edited by sbgrace
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