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Reading Comprehension/Critical Thinking Workbook?


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Hi, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a workbook with brief exercises on reading comprehension, particularly inferences? I've been looking at Reading Detective by Critical Thinking Co. and CAP Reasoning & Reading - has anyone used either of these? For upper elementary and middle school grades, thanks in advance.

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9 hours ago, aeolianharp said:

particularly inferences?

Inferences are kind of a broad topic. If a professional has told you your dc has issues with inferences, then you'll want to dig in on what specific types of inferencing issues they're having. https://www.readingrockets.org/strategies/inference This can give you a start. Inferences can involve using prior knowledge, being an active reader (attending, actively applying comprehension skills), but it can also involve *social thinking*. So you want to know what the person is seeing who is telling you to work on inferences.

In addition to the good things already mentioned, you might look at




Lori Oczkus http://www.lorioczkus.com/books-reciprocal-teaching-3rd.php  has resources online and you might find youtube videos of some of her talks. I attended a live webinar with her and it was terrific. 

https://www.superduperinc.com/products/view.aspx?pid=FD51&s=understanding-inferences-fun-deck#.X-6fIi2ZM6c an example of therapy materials for inferences

https://www.proedinc.com/Products/31656/noglamour-inferences.aspx  a more streamlined therapy level resource

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We have used Reasoning and Reading (all three books).  We also did the Prufrock Press Logic books (space themed).  They are different types of books, and I think both are valuable.

I had a copy of an old "Building Thinking Skills" by Critical Thinking Press and didn't like it. We stuck with the others I mentioned above. I didn't look at the other Critical Thinking books so I can't speak to those.

Inferences are covered in Reasoning and Reading. Let me know if you have more questions about it.

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