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How to make birdseed ornaments? Cute christmas games?


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Have you made these? Any tried and true formulas? I'm looking at https://www.simplejoy.com/diy_bird_feeder/  But comments are saying they get moldy and fall apart. I'm looking for recipes you know work and that birds like. Thinking they'd be fun to make for our PARTYING next week! Not that ds thinks it's a PARTY without people, sigh, but we'll make it work. I'm planning to have a craft, movie, food, etc. each day. 

And while we're at it, any cute christmas themed games for the preteen crowd? Something that would be fun with two people? If I have four, I'd be golden, but I could go up to 8. Silly and in motion would be good features. :biggrin:

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27 minutes ago, saraha said:

Reverse charades! We even got my mom to play and she laughed so hard


Ooo, you're right I could look for a list of Christmas charades! The whole board game might be overkill for our group of 2, but we do enjoy playing charades with just the two of us. Great idea!

So I'm looking for Spoons like you said, and I'm seeing candy cane versions, ways to do that. Interesting. I've never played it before. But that got me to thinking amazon probably has more christmas themed games, so I found this Gremlins Christmas game, which seems utterly ridiculous and essential.


I'm going to keep looking. I didn't realize how many classics have christmas versions. https://icebreakerideas.com/christmas-games-kids/  I liked the memory with Hershey kisses idea. I was thinking I could put multiplication facts on the dots, and then we could call it math, haha!

Edited by PeterPan
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5 hours ago, Terabith said:

We played that at a party last year!! It was fun!!

Well I hit Hobby Lobby and got all manner of festive stuff, including streamers, balloons, paper fans to hang from the ceiling, adorable plates to make tennis rackets to play with the balloons, light bulb necklaces, on and on. Got this cute container with a head and elf legs to hold candy for guessing the amount. 

Thanks, @medawyn, that makes sense. And that would solve the crumbling thing too. Maybe she just needed the flour in her area. But if they're working, I won't bother.

Walmart had a "tiny house" gingerbread type house, so I got that. Stocked up on sprinkles to decorate cookies, rolos and pretzels to make reindeer. Hopefully my movies will be ready at the library tomorrow. We're gonna party, even if it is just with ourselves! :biggrin:

Edited by PeterPan
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