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Can we have a vent thread?


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My neighbors are a bunch of busy bodies. It's so cliche, too.  There's an older lady who's constantly ranting on the fb neighborhood group about how the neighborhood has gone downhill with all these "new comers", and how she's been here 25 years and blah blah blah and what we need is an HOA and blah blah blah and what about community pride and blah blah blah and we're all going to hell in a hand basket blah blah blah.  She gets all the other older ladies worked into a lather when she starts this.  They've memorized the vehicles that "belong" on each street, and if they see a car that they deem "out of place", they get all worked up and start posting that we need to keep an eye out for bad activity.  I wish they'd get some hobbies.   



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I have a friend whose daughter isn’t particularly well-liked in the kid friend group. 

I really like the mom, but she has a bit of a blind spot with this kid. She keeps telling me that her kid doesn’t really fit in because she is so much more mature than the other girls. 

Being taller does not equal being more mature. 

Yesterday, her daughter was telling all of the other girls that they have to obey her because she is the oldest (by 3 months or less) 

She was trying to insist that they refer to her as ruler of the matriarchy. 

And her mom thought it was cute that she was trying to rule over the other girls. She kept looking over at me, but I wasn’t laughing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh.  Still venting about the same neighbors and their dogs.  Today they let them out at 4:12 am.  They proceed to bark crazy loud for the next hour.    I am furious and sad.  It wakes up my whole house.  The kids are exhausted.  We have tried every sound covering thing we can do.  We are going to be talking to them today.  I hope it goes ok.   This has been going on for months, and we have just put it off because we didn't want to make the situation worse.  I am in tears because of how tired I am and know the whole day for me is ruined.  My dh is trying to work on not a full night's sleep.   

We have dogs and I just don't get out you could be so tone deaf to be doing this.  I get it if your dogs have to go potty.  Let them out to do it and have them come back in.  Or keep them from barking for an hour.   4 am is not the time everyone in the world is awake for the day.  

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I'll add my vent:

I work for a local board of health department in town. COVID has obviously impacted our work schedule as we are front and center for everything. Mostly what we do is helping the community. But there are a few (lots) of people that call and make me crazy! Some examples:

  1. "My neighbor is using a leaf blower and sneezing. I think he is spreading COVID. Can you stop him?" No, that would be weird
  2. "I think the flight patterns of planes over my house has increased since COVID. Can you stop this?" No, we don't control air space over the town.
  3. "I have a dead bird in my back yard. I think he died from COVID. If you want to test him I can show you where he is buried" No thank you
  4. "I drove past road work and noticed none of the people working were wearing masks. I pulled over and told the State Trooper he should be wearing a mask - he told me to f**ck off. Can you yell at him?" Nope, not yelling at State Troopers
  5. I am very concerned about COVID and how your office is handling it. Do you have proper training ... did you go to Harvard and study blood pathology and medicine?" If I went to Harvard University I wouldn't have a job answering this phone!
  6. "I went to the movies but was not able to get popcorn. When will I be able to have popcorn at the movies?" Hold on, let me look into this for you...."Ok, but ... why don't you know this information off the top of your head? Because it's popcorn! We are working on spreadsheets showing daily infection and deaths ... I'm sorry you couldn't have popcorn while watching Star Wars! 

And on and on it goes!


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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Ugh.  Still venting about the same neighbors and their dogs.  Today they let them out at 4:12 am.  They proceed to bark crazy loud for the next hour.    I am furious and sad.  It wakes up my whole house.  The kids are exhausted.  We have tried every sound covering thing we can do.  We are going to be talking to them today.  I hope it goes ok.   This has been going on for months, and we have just put it off because we didn't want to make the situation worse.  I am in tears because of how tired I am and know the whole day for me is ruined.  My dh is trying to work on not a full night's sleep.   

We have dogs and I just don't get out you could be so tone deaf to be doing this.  I get it if your dogs have to go potty.  Let them out to do it and have them come back in.  Or keep them from barking for an hour.   4 am is not the time everyone in the world is awake for the day.  

That sounds terrible! Instead of talking to them (again, right?) Can you explore what local noise ordinance are? Clearly they are unlikely to change their behavior. If possible, you may as well start whatever nuisance procedure your locality has. That seems ever so slightly more likely to eventually give you actual relief. If you talk to them first they may well try to spite you. 🙄 People.

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5 minutes ago, SusanC said:

That sounds terrible! Instead of talking to them (again, right?) Can you explore what local noise ordinance are? Clearly they are unlikely to change their behavior. If possible, you may as well start whatever nuisance procedure your locality has. That seems ever so slightly more likely to eventually give you actual relief. If you talk to them first they may well try to spite you. 🙄 People.

Good idea.  I will do that.  That is the whole reason we haven't talked to them yet.  I feel like it is reasonable request to not let your dogs out at 4am to bark like crazy for over an hour.   I mean that is just common decency when you live on .25 of an acre with people all around you.  But hey our other neighbors behind us have no common decency either.  I feel like if they knew it was bothering other people they would change it.  I don't know.  I am so confused by them right now.  They have been our neighbors for 14 years and they were always great neighbors.  I am not saying don't let your dog go out at all.  Or that dogs shouldn't bark.  I have dogs.  I know that isn't how it works.  

We haven't talked to them at all.  We didn't want it get worse.   Like them doing things to spite us or something.  We tried that with our other neighbors and it went poorly.  

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On 9/23/2020 at 3:07 PM, City Mouse said:

I need to vent.

I’ve been working very hard during the whole pandemic to stay upbeat, but I reached my limit this week. Tuesday afternoon we got notice (only on Facebook) that our town’s water treatment facility did not pass inspection, so now we have a boil water order. The problem at the treatment place should be fixed by the end of NOVEMBER. Then, as I am busy boing water to clean up after dinner, I discovered that mice have been all over the counter where the small appliances are stored. I am having to clean and disinfect every bit of that with water that I have to boil!! My DH thinks he will help by running the dishwasher but doesn’t bother to look around just a little to get all the dirty dishes which then means that I have to hand wash the rest with the water that I boiled! This morning I opened the silverware drawer to get a fork and knife so I could eat my breakfast, and there was a mouse standing on the forks! So, I pulled out that drawer and washed and disinfected the silverware before I went to work. Then I get home from work and start cleaning on the other drawers and discover that my DH left all his dirty dished from breakfast on the counter next to the stove (the same counter that had the mice droppings 2 days ago) instead of putting them in the dishwasher which I had emptied this morning. 

I think we are having peanut butter sandwiches for dinner, because I am in no mood to cook anything for him right now.

At least I had a really good day at work.

Wow. This is truly terrible. I was having a bad day today, but when I read about the mouse staring at you from among the forks, I started...laughing. I’m sorry! :D But thank you for sharing your bad day. Where are all the mice coming from?!

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