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     I’m hoping someone will have some ideas that will help ease my mind!  We are missionaries currently overseas.  We are looking into curriculum for this upcoming year, but we have a concern.  The country we are in is not receiving international mail now due to COVID-19.  We haven’t received any mail since March and it looks like it could be this way indefinitely.  This makes it impossible for us to order curriculum for the upcoming year and have it shipped here.  I’ve been looking for options for downloadable curriculum, but I’m not finding much.  Does anyone have any ideas???  We currently use MUS, BJU for reading and science and WWS for writing (which we downloaded and paid a ton to print!).  I’m feeling panicked about what we will do if we can’t get anything shipped!  Any help would be appreciated!  Thank you!



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Thank you for your help!  I just contacted MUS and they said they don’t have the student workbooks as downloads, but that we could use the worksheet generator to go along with the online instruction pack.  I’ve looked at MM in the past, but it’s been a while.  I hate to just switch math curriculums if I don’t have to.  It’s just sooo frustrating that companies don’t offer more of the curriculum as pdf.  It would greatly help people overseas!  We have 2 daughters-upcoming 4th and 7th grade.  My 7th grader really needs stability in her curriculum.  She’s bounced a lot and has anxiety issues, so we want a solid year for her this next year.

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Online, printable PDF's: https://experiencebiology.com 

Online, gather your own supplies: https://www.superchargedscience.com/shop/complete-online-science-curriculum/ 

Math Mammoth is great and has everything available as a download. There are other options like Teaching Textbooks, Thinkwell, CTC math.

Uzinggo is online science labs.

You didn't mention history, but Veritas Press Self-Paced (for the fourth grader) is a great online history program. 

And of course there is Easy Peasy https://allinonehomeschool.com 

There are so many options if you want to do more online courses. I'm not sure what to tell you about reading.  Do you have access to a digital library? 

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Thank you so much for these options!  I will take a look at them.  I’ve never done online classes before, so I am feeling a bit overwhelmed.  History has gone to the back shelf for us this year due to lots of changes.  We were doing MOH before and will probably start with the third book.  Although that book is in the US right now and we can’t get it.  Ugh.  I will look at VP. I’ve never used their stuff before.  I was interested in their omnibus program for our 7th grader, but it looks quite rigorous and I’m not sure she’s ready for it yet.  I’ll also look at SOTW.  I think it may be downloadable?  We had to pull our girls out of a school here, so that’s why our year has been disjointed and we are needing a stable year coming up.  I hate to switch curriculums, but I may need to.  Reading is a big one for us because my older daughter needs work on her comprehension.  I need a strong program for her.  If anyone knows of an online reading program, I would appreciate any ideas!  Thank you so much!!

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19 minutes ago, kristin0713 said:

Online, printable PDF's: https://experiencebiology.com 

Online, gather your own supplies: https://www.superchargedscience.com/shop/complete-online-science-curriculum/ 

Math Mammoth is great and has everything available as a download. There are other options like Teaching Textbooks, Thinkwell, CTC math.

Uzinggo is online science labs.

You didn't mention history, but Veritas Press Self-Paced (for the fourth grader) is a great online history program. 

And of course there is Easy Peasy https://allinonehomeschool.com 

There are so many options if you want to do more online courses. I'm not sure what to tell you about reading.  Do you have access to a digital library? 

Yes, we have access to the library back home.  We can borrow books on our kindles, so I can get some books that way for the girls to read.

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2 hours ago, Kencam said:

I’ll also look at SOTW.  I think it may be downloadable?

Yes!  You can get the activity pack as a downloadable PDF and of course the book on kindle or audio. 

My son learned a TON from Supercharged Science this year.  Gathering the supplies was a royal pain, I will not lie.  But he probably learned more from her than any other science than we have ever done.  Both of your kids can use it and do different topics or the same.  You can try it for $1 https://www.superchargedscience.com/opt/escience-1-dollar-trial-eg/ 


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2 hours ago, Kencam said:

Reading is a big one for us because my older daughter needs work on her comprehension.  I need a strong program for her.  If anyone knows of an online reading program, I would appreciate any ideas!


Do you mean reading comprehension or is she still struggling with phonics and spelling?


Nevermind, I totally misread what you wrote.  So this is for the 7th grader.  Let me think on this. 

Edited by kristin0713
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6 hours ago, Paradox5 said:

BJU has most of their books available as ebooks, I believe. I would contact them about your  situation. They work with many missionary families.

Teaching Textbooks is a good option that can carry your girls through.  Math Mammoth is Asian-style so unless you have been using that method, it is a huge learning curve. 7th grade is a bit late to jump in.

Thanks for the ideas!  I did contact BJU-I used their online chat and I emailed a rep directly.  The person I “spoke to” on chat said they don’t have any work texts that are downloadable for us.  I explained the situation, and she still said no.  I was surprised, because I’m sure there are many other missionaries in our same predicament.  I haven’t heard back from the rep I emailed yet.  I’m hoping he can talk with a higher up and see if there’s something they can do.  I will take a look at TT.  Thanks!

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55 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

criticalthinking.com has downloadable PDF of all workbooks

Thank you for the reminder!  Yes we have downloaded a few things from them in the past that I’d forgotten about.  Will look at some their stuff!

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14 hours ago, kristin0713 said:

Yes!  You can get the activity pack as a downloadable PDF and of course the book on kindle or audio. 

My son learned a TON from Supercharged Science this year.  Gathering the supplies was a royal pain, I will not lie.  But he probably learned more from her than any other science than we have ever done.  Both of your kids can use it and do different topics or the same.  You can try it for $1 https://www.superchargedscience.com/opt/escience-1-dollar-trial-eg/ 


wonderful!  Thank you so much for this!  I will check into it for sure!  

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6 hours ago, CuriousMomof3 said:

We download almost everything, because the kid I started my homeschool with can't handwrite or hold a book really well, and then once we started that we just did the same for the others.  We put everything in an iPad app called Notability, that also has a computer version, and my kids just read and type there.  Would something like that be an option?  

What grade levels do you need?

Hi!  Thank you!  That sounds really interesting!  And would save a lot in printing costs.  Can you use any curriculum with the app, or is it one curriculum specifically?  My girls are 7th and 4th.

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15 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Kristin gave some great links. One of the things nice about Math Mammnoth is it’s affordable, downloadable and it’s mastery which I think BJU math is as well iirc? But that could keep you from investing a ton assuming at some point surely the mail will reopen. 

You could also look into Audible for something like Story of the World for the book and then download the activity guide if you wanted that? There are a lot of other online options but so many of them still have required texts. I get wanting to use what you have used so if you could just find some gap fillers for a bit longer maybe that will help? 

Yes, gap fillers would be wonderful. I’m taking all advice right now as I don’t know which way to plan for.  We are really hoping the mail opens again soon!  It’s been shut down since mid-March, so it’s been quite a while!  Can’t see that they could keep it shut much longer, but then, this is all new territory, so who knows?!  

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8 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

criticalthinking.com has downloadable PDF of all workbooks

Some stuff is an ebook that you can only open with windows. I know because we used Mathematical Reasoning last year and DH had to really do it in some round about way, using a virtual windows thing, then converting the format, etc for me so I can use it from my macbook. 

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Ok, I thought of something for reading!  This was tough because everything I could think of was NOT PDF or digital--but Daily Reading Practice now has a digital version!  



We have used Daily Grammar Practice and it was great.  I have not used DRP.  

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