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Historical Fiction for Ancient History: Late Elementary and Middle


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22 hours ago, NewIma said:

Hello! I am putting together a year of Ancient History and am looking for historical fiction to read aloud to my 4th and 8th grader.  Do you have any favorites? Please share!

I really liked Rosemary Sutcliff when I was a kid. She has a lot of novels set in imperial Rome...she is British and incredibly pro-empire, but her books are very vivid and engrossing. 


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I have a 17 page document with history reading lists I've collected over the years. 😄

Considering the ages of your dc and focusing on read alouds, here are some we have enjoyed, in approximate chronological order -

Warrior Scarlet - Rosemary Sutcliff
Maroo of the Winter Caves
Gilgamesh the King (3 book series) - Ludmilla Zeman
The Golden Goblet
D'Aulaires' Greek Myths
  or Percy Jackson if you need something with more mass appeal
The Iliad - Ian Strachan
The Odyssey - Geraldine McCaughrean
Search for a Homeland - Penelope Lively
Horrible Histories - I didn't read these aloud, but strewed around for consumption. In my house the 4th graders will read the comics sprinkled through the books and the olders secretly read the text also.
Asterix the Gladiator is another good book for strewing at this point in history
The Cat Who Went to Heaven - Elizabeth Coatsworth
Outcast - Rosemary Sutcliff
The Eagle of the Ninth - Rosemary Sutcliff

I'm sure I've skipped all sorts of good books, but this is  what jumped out from the list.


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Thank you guys so much!!! Rosemary Sutcliff looks like an author I must check out! 

Your excerpt from your list looks amazing SusanC! I would be curious to see the whole document! History is my favorite part of homeschooling.




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