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If you serve them,how do you cook your noodles for your Thanksgiving dinner?

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What to do for that is, you drain them in a colander running cold water through them when they are almost but not quite cooked. Then right before you serve it, you heat a big pot of water, and when it boils, you put the noodles in for about 1 minute or so--that will heat them through. Be sure you stir to separate them. Then you can drain and serve them.

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Wow. So curious. What kind of noodles do you make and do you serve them as a side dish? I've never heard of this tradition.


I made egg noodles.


eggs, flour, salt, oil mixed together and kneaded. Then roll out, cut, let dry 2-4 hrs.


I was thinking I'd cook them in chicken broth with a little meat and flavoring from the turkey. We put them over our mashed potatoes.

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;) You must be in Ohio or thereabout. My husband lived there for a while and discovered that everyone there makes their "noodles". I (being a southern girl) had never heard of this tradition--I couldn't imagine what they did with these "noodles". I had only eaten noodles under spaghetti sauce or in a casserole. One day I'll have to try these special noodles.

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I made egg noodles.


eggs, flour, salt, oil mixed together and kneaded. Then roll out, cut, let dry 2-4 hrs.


I was thinking I'd cook them in chicken broth with a little meat and flavoring from the turkey. We put them over our mashed potatoes.


Are you from the Mid-West? My Dh and I are from Indiana and both of our families had noodles every holiday and reunion! We live in CA now, and the one thing my DH and kids insist on are noodles. People here in CA do not "get" it...except for our Pastor and Asst. Pastor...both who grew up in Indiana :) We also serve them on our mashed potatoes...YUM!


I just add my dried noodles to boiling broth. The key is to turn them off when they are not *quite done (especially if it is going to be 30 mins or so before you eat) because they will continue to cook.

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