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Well, I bit the bullet - ordered Chalkdust ...


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My youngest just doesn't "get" Videotext, which worked so well for her older brother. The Teaching Textbook pre algebra I got for her is too dull - and I am NOT a math person. I need a "teacher in a can" to explain stuff. Just got off the phone from ordering Chalkdust.


Sigh. Anyone want to buy Videotext for half-price???? :glare:

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Good Luck with the new program!:) I am spending this week praying about having my oldest do either Chalkdust Algebra (which I would have to buy) or use MUS Algebra (which I already have). The price difference is huge, but I have heard that MUS isn't rigorous enough. But my son is not mathy and won't major in anything that needs a lot of math so maybe I'll be fine with MUS. I just need to make up my mind!:confused:


Gretchen in NO. CA

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Gretchen, MUS and Chakdust both have great resale if that helps with the price. Another thought for a non-mathy child is to maybe do the MUS first, then do the Chalkdust. It would make the CD easier since it would be part review/reinforcement. You could resale the MUS after you finish it to help pay for the CD. Getting through the math sequence isn't as important at "getting" the math.

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