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What am I missing?


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I feel like I'm missing something, but I can't put my finger on it. Can you look over what we are doing and point out possible holes?

Eldest just turned 11 and is in the "fifth" grade.

He is doing Cottage Press Fable and Song for Language Arts and The Modern Speller (Dictation Day by Day) for spelling.
He is half way through Singapore 5B and will move on to AOPS Prealgbra. Does Xtra Math and Building Thinking Skills Level 2.

Monday he goes to a co-op where he takes four classes:
-Apologia Flying Creatures: They are assigned to read the book at home and do experiments in class.
-Mixed Media Art: art projects in class, no homework
-Drama: working on a play in the fall and one in the winter, only homework would be to memorized lines.
-Where in the World: geography class where they are given clues about a state (in the a fall) or a country (in the spring) and have to figure out what it is for homework. They will discuss the location in class.

Thing Two just turned 8 and is in the "second" grade.

He is going Cottage Press Primer One for Langauge arts and is learning cursive by reviewing two phonograms a day and then will start the Modern Speller
He just started Singapore 3A

His monday co-op classes have no homework
-Medival Knights and VIkings: learning about life in the Middle ages
-Magic School Bus Science: teacher will read a magic school bus book and they will do an experiment based off it
-I love America: learning about national holidays, symbols and famous American figures.
-Mixed Media Art.

After breakfast they do dishes and then we sit down sing two hymns (current one we are learning and rotating through the past ones), a math skip counting jingle, a nursery rhyme (for the toddlers), and a silly song. Then I read a chapter from Narnia and then we discuss.

We are out of the house a bit, so during car rides they listen to Story of the world, Apologia, and Curiosity Chronicles. I don't follow up with what we listen to, but if they have any questions, I'll stop it and we discuss.

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I think it looks fine, but if you feel the need to add anything I'd consider some output for the 5th grader in your history listening - maybe a written summary or a project or something to show what he's learned. 2nd grader looks good, very similar to what mine is currently doing!

Just another thought - what about music? appreciation or performance? Or PE/sports/fitness?

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The only things I see that might be missing is some kind of music appreciation or learning an instrument or P.E. type learning. Of course neither or those is strictly necessary. What you have is plenty as long as they are getting outside to play often but if you wanted to add something or felt something was missing, those are the only things I can really see that you haven't covered in your post.

Another optional thing you could add is foreign language learning but again that's not strictly necessary at your children's ages.

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