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Missing AP scores

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Has anyone's child ever logged in for their AP scores, and found some of them missing? 

My daughter the results from her AP Environmental Science test today (5 🙂!) but not AP Lit or AP Art History. She did take the Environmental Science test at a different location than the other 2 tests. I'm starting the process of contacting the College Board, but would love to hear how that went for other students, and if it took a long time to get those results.

Frustrating! You wait so long to hear the results, and then to have only 1/3 is really annoying.

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Happened to us too today. My DD got her APES score too (4 here :cool: )but not Comp Govt and Politics. We did also take the two tests at different schools so wonder if they missed any documentation at the second center. She did use the same AP number and sticker as the first exam. This is our first time taking AP so can't give any advice but I do feel your frustration. I could not get through to College Board today. Will try again tomorrow. Congrats to your daughter. 

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I feel for you two. It happened to one of my dc. All tests taken at the same location but for no rhyme or reason one of the AP scores was missing.

My dc immediately contacted the CB and did so regularly. 4-6 weeks after the release date, the results finally arrived. I hope your experience is better and faster than ours. I’ve heard in some instances it is. 

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9 hours ago, mirabillis said:

my ds took his tests also at 2 schools, but all 4 scores were there. only weighing in, as it doesn't seem a more-than-one-location issue necessarily. he even took the late testing date on one (comp govt) and it was there. 

I just got off the phone with the college board. In her case it does seem that the problem was that she was given two different AP numbers/stickers and they need to manually merge the accounts. I'm not sure how we could have avoided this since the AP student info came directly from the schools she was testing at (and for us it's moot since she will be in college next year), but for those of you who have students taking AP test at multiple locations this is something to watch out for. Hopefully a more experienced parent has information about how that issue can be avoided.

According to the person I spoke with, it will take 5-7 business days to merge the accounts. I'll update here once we can see her scores (and no, they wouldn't give them to me over the phone 😞 !).

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3 hours ago, kirag714 said:

I just got off the phone with the college board. In her case it does seem that the problem was that she was given two different AP numbers/stickers and they need to manually merge the accounts. I'm not sure how we could have avoided this



Yes, I'm sorry you didn't catch this earlier thread:  

Especially Arcadia's helpful photos of the sticker booklet that needs to be taken with the student to every testing location.  

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3 hours ago, daijobu said:


Yes, I'm sorry you didn't catch this earlier thread:  

Especially Arcadia's helpful photos of the sticker booklet that needs to be taken with the student to every testing location.  

Yep that would have helped lol! Hopefully others have avoided this issue.

At least we don't need to wait too much longer to get the rest of her results :). Honestly, I care more than she does - she's totally moved on.

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Yes we are pros at taking at multiple locations. Been to 4 locations over the past 3 years. You pre-register or register same-day at the location you take the FIRST exam only. Then take your booklet with stickers with you each time, to use the same set of stickers. Moot point for you - but for anyone else who needs to know. :-))

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On 7/8/2019 at 10:48 PM, mirabillis said:

Yes we are pros at taking at multiple locations. Been to 4 locations over the past 3 years. You pre-register or register same-day at the location you take the FIRST exam only. Then take your booklet with stickers with you each time, to use the same set of stickers. Moot point for you - but for anyone else who needs to know. :-))

Yes that would have been good to know!

But luckily it took just 3 days for the scores to show up - and she got a 4 in Literature and (yay!) a 5 in Art History. That AH result is terrific because she self-studied for it, and also because she's planning to major in Art History and that result exempts her from the intro AH classes. I'm very proud of her!

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