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Stuffy ears from allergies remedies?


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My ears are terribly clogged right now for day 4. Started on one just side but getting worse. Other than that I feel fine- allergies were bad a few weeks ago but not now. No cold symptoms.

taking Claritin, Flonase, fake Sudafed (but just went out and got the real thing from behind the counter), and doing Neti pot.

Doesn’t feel like a sinus infection does usually. At least not yet.

This feeling is really weird and annoying and my kids are driving me crazy- I can barely hear them and it’s bugging them, lol.


yes I’m putting off dr visit for now because it’s going to cost me $160 

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I got this remedy from my ND.  it sounds crazy - but it helped me last winter.

take half an onion, and microwave it for 20 - 30 seconds. wrap it in cloth (so it doesn't burn you), and put it over your year like a muff for 20 - 30 minutes. 

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Well, we have weak eustachian tubes in my family. That sounds kind of dramatic to say. :) Too much sniffling/nose blowing tends to cause inflammation and then we have trouble for a few days to a week with that stuffy feeling and then sometimes what feels like ear pain. If you google eustachian tube dysfunction you might see if this is a possibility. The easiest way to clear it up for us is literally no blowing/sniffling at all, no drinking from straws, no pressure on them. I would not try doing any of those crazy things to try to open them up if they are possibly inflamed. 

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Back before anybody realized how much havoc allergies could wreak, I used to spend several weeks each year like that.  Now that my allergies are mostly under control, stuffy ears are one of my early warning symptoms.  Try benedryl at night - my allergist says that you can take it even if you're also taking a daily like claritin, allegra, etc.  I've found zyrtec and xyzal to be the most effective of the dailies, although they make you tired and it takes a couple of days to adapt.  I have also taken low-dose anti-inflammatory stuff for ears.  I first took it to dull ear pain so that I could sleep, but for me the reduction in inflammation would allow the fluid to drain.  It was temporary, but until I could get the allergies dealt with, it was helpful.  Good luck - I know it's miserable.  

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Guaifenesin - amazing.  

Doesn't have other effects like dizziness, dryness, tiredness...NONE of those 'feel funny' systemic feelings.  Only clears things.  It is dirt cheap if you buy it in the generic 4 hour tablet - labeled (of all things) 'Mucus Relief Tabs'.  (but watch out for extended release medicines or varieties that contain other ingredients besides guaifenesin, if you want to avoid the other cold/allergy meds that cause rebound effects and weird feeling)  

Miracle drug for us.  In addition to allergy woes, we always use it at the end of a cold to avoid secondary infections caused by the residual 'stuff' not clearing.  

Also, water.  Lots of water helps clear the ears.

(from rxlist.com) Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It works by thinning and loosening mucus in the airways, clearing congestion, and making breathing easier. If you are self-treating with guaifenesin, it is important to read the package instructions carefully before you start using this product to be sure it is right for you.

Edited by Familia
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