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Job hunting - When is a follow-up appropriate?

Jenny in Florida

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I did a phone interview a week ago today for a job in which I think I would be really interested. The HR rep sounded enthusiastic but let me know she would be out of town at a conference most of this week. The more I look into the company, the more enthused I become about the job. 

I sent a thank you email the day we talked, but now that it's been a week and she should be back from her conference, I'd like to touch base and reiterate my interest before she gets sidetracked with another candidate.

Is it too soon? Is that not done? 

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Typically I would say a week.  It is a tough one as she was at a conference.  Then next week is a weird week with the 4th as some places are closed all week, some part weeks, some just the 4th.  

Maybe check on Monday????

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You can follow up at any time if you think of some new information to add.

"We talked about XYZ project in the interview, and I thought you might like to see the finished product (attached)." 

"This is the link to the article about Such-and-such that we discussed." 

Anything like that. If you have nothing to add, then just, "I hope you enjoyed your conference. When you are ready to talk about the position again, please reach out to me in the following way." 

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Thanks, all. I did go ahead and send something yesterday. I did basically what katilac said, saying I hoped she had enjoyed the conference and also letting her know that I had spent some more time learning about the organization and continued to be enthusiastic about the opportunity.

It's not the perfect situation, but it looks like it would be significantly better than the one from which I just extricated myself and is the best option I have on my list right now. So I want to make sure I do everything I can to pursue it.

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