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The Summer Sickness Teachers Lounge 6-25-2019


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

I'll be opening the Lounge and then skidaddling as I don't want to get any one of you sick. 😉 Other than being tired early in the evening (which I attribute to the desert 
summer temps) and a swollen lymph node on my left jaw (just below the ear), I have no symptoms. However, a swollen lymph node is indicative of the body fighting SOMEthing,
so, better safe than sorry, right? (And now you also know why today's theme is what it is!)

Who here is battling a summer sickness? Here: me! Evidently. Not sure what it is yet. Refuse to go to the doctor unless it gets much worse or doesn't go away. Why? 'Cause the doctor will
most likely say, "You probably have virus. Rest. Drink plenty of fluids. And come back if it gets worse." Yeah, I can do that myself, thanks.

Who thinks outside temps are just too hot? Here: me! It's nothing I didn't expect but I still don't like it.

What INDOOR tasks are you tackling today? Here: I'm a little bit late in getting to it this morning but after the gluten-free chocolate muffins are done, I will be working on my novel. I have the scenes laid out, now just need to piece them together. Beyond that I need to process some herbs a friend gave me the other day, remember to take my herbal teas, tinctures, and syrups throughout today, and a few other things. One of those "other things" is to light a fire under my dd's behind to apply for some jobs!

Talk to me!

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Sickness - I'm just getting over a bout of bronchitis.  Still coughing, stuffy nose but I did my 5 day course of antibiotics so should continue showing improvement.

It's a humid 88 degrees here today so yeah, hot and yucky.   I worked at the science center.  I'm doing an escape room at my pt job tonight and I had to set up what I could do before I get there and lay it all out.   Also did some tutoring and general cleaning up.  

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Summer sickness already here.   My older two were at a dance intensive last week, so I took the 3 youngers to the zoo, trampoline park, and kids museum for the whole week.   They picked something up on day 3 or so.  Then drank from the older 2's water bottles and spread it to them.  So we are just taking it easy.  Luckily we don't have anything that we have to go to this week.   I was even down for the weekend from this.   

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