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Christmas ideas for my 18 month old girl?


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Does she have kitchen stuff? That could be fun. Those velcro vegetables, that she could cut with a plastic knife, were a big hit here when my girls were that age.


Groovy Girls might be fun. They are cute, soft dolls. Lots of accessories to add to the collection if she likes them, too. My sister is going to get some for her girls, ages 4 and 2, this year for Christmas.


Dress up clothes would be fun, as long as they're easy to get on and off. Fairy wings, princess dresses, jewelry, you know. :)


What about a baby doll? I think my girls got their Bitty Babies when they were that age.


I am having a hard time coming up with stuff - must be bedtime! :D

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Those are so cuddly, and washable, and have such sweet faces.


Or, a Little People kit--the house maybe, or the farm. Those are quite durable, and she will use it for years to make up stories. When DD was 2, she and her best friend used to watch me tell stories with the LP characters for hours. It was the best attention span toy that DD had as a toddler.

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I, too, had a girl after three boys. Bliss! When she was 18 months we got her a kitchen/fridge that were pink and retro 1950's from Costco. I think it was $150 or so. Fabulous. She loooves it. Still playing with it daily. And it is just so cute. It looks like it is wood (press wood). Because it is not the plastic, it looks very cute anywhere. I currently have it in my master bedroom so she can play while I shower. She is 2+ now.


Aren't girls just a kick?!?? I feel so differently about my girl - not that I love her more at all, but it is a different relationship.


And I have bought so many clothes for her. So fun.


A princess and three knights. Dreamy.


Hope this helps. Just had to respond.

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Dd3 is 18mos now, & one of her favorite things is the doll stroller. Taking baby out, putting her in, driving her around.


She likes playing dress-ups w/ big sis, too.


Everything else I can think of is pretty much gender-neutral: making a mess, climbing, etc. Ooh--she loves the girly ride-on toys. One neighbor has a pastel Pooh car, the other has a pink princess car. *Much* better than our yellow & blue one.


She loves playing kitchen, too.



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Agreeing here. My little girl is 19 mos and for right now, the only girl after 3 boys. She loves being a little mommy......cooking, dishes, baby dolls, strollers, frilly dresses etc. She really likes taking care of her babies, brushing their hair and putting them to bed. I'm absolutely LOVING this stage. So cute!! FWIW, we're getting DD this;


and this;


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My youngest loved animal families around that age (she still does actually). So we bought her some Schleich animals. Mamas and babies. Target sells them or most small toy shops.


But baby dolls, play food, etc. are all great ideas too. Or a little ride-on car or bike.


Also the Leapfrog fridge magnets, the farm set where you have to match the front and back of the animal. She loved that.

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My 18mo ds loves his little push car. My neighbor has a dd that is 4 days younger and that is her favorite toy right now too.


Here is the one my son has: http://www.amazon.com/Disney-Winnie-Pooh-Ride-Ride/dp/B0002HRWES/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1227433075&sr=1-4 It was $30 at Walmart.



Here is a girly one: http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Brilliant-Basics-Musical-Roll-Along/dp/B0015KONU2/ref=pd_bxgy_t_img_c This one is at Walmart for close to $30. There is a basket on front for that special baby doll.

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