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Any have a dh that works in a correctional facility/jail?

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My dh most likely has a job at a local correctional facility. He is being hired (pending a few more hoops to jump through) as an automotive instructor for inmates that are nearing their release dates.


We are just wondering what day to day life will be like there.


This is a huge answer to prayer as dh will do well with the inmates and he has been searching for a job for 18 months now.

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One of my fellow part-time professors has a 1/2 time job teaching basic computer literacy courses at a regional facility for those who are a year or so from release.


She has told me that she actually likes it better than some of her college classes. The students are very motivated at that point, and she has a guard in the classroom with her, so there are very few behavioral problems.

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I taught at a juvenile corrections facility. It was much nicer and safer than teaching high school in the public school. There was a panic button in every classroom. Depending on the population you worked with the security went up from there. In the murder ward I got my own personal guard and a panic button necklace around my neck and closed-caption t.v. monitoring my every move. My students were very motivated. The only time I worried was when they asked me to sub for the shop teacher. Fortunately we were painting that day and didn't use power tools!

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Thanks for all of the replies. I think dh will do well in this job. He is a BIG guy and not likely to be intimidated---he has had many offers to work as a bouncer at local bars.


Motivated students would be great. Many of the automotive programs have a large number of students who are there because they don't want to be in "real" school, not because they want to learn automotive repair.


We don't know the exact level of security yet or other details but it seems to be a well run facility.

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