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The Overwhelmed Teachers Lounge 3-27-2019


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Welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from having A LOT to do this week! I realized I need to scale down WAY more than I initially thought of what I'll
be able to take with me when I leave next week. Oy! Plus, lots of laundry to do this week!

What's got you overwhelmed this week? Here: see above.
(the GOOD news is: you can only do stuff for TODAY. So concentrate on TODAY. Leave tomorrow for tomorrow.)

What are you LOOKING FORWARD to this week? Here: this Sunday after church is the annual chili cook-off. We all enjoy that!

What projects are you currently working on? Here: packing and donating!

Talk to me!

PS This will be the LAST Teachers Lounge until probably mid-April. I need to concentrate on some other stuff for now.

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I'm not exactly overwhelmed, but I do have a final report I need to get working on that I'm procrastinating doing. It's not due for a few weeks, but my partner is keen on getting it done. I'm waiting for a flash of inspiration that doesn't seem to be coming. 😅

We'll miss you with the Teachers Lounge. Hope all goes well with your packing! Are you moving?

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Hi Scrap, good luck getting everything together for your trip!

Nothing really to look forward to other than a couple days of quiet work while the kids are with grandparents. These next few weeks through May are extra rehearsals, concerts, etc as the school year is wrapping up. It's nice to get at least a couple days to do what actually needs to get done, lol. I have a business conference up in Phoenix first week of April that I have to prep for and I'm looking forward to that, too.

We'll miss you and the teacher's lounge but I hope that you get the focus you need for the next weeks!

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