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Podcasts that are Motivators?


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I love listening to podcasts that give great ideas for expanding as a person. I listen often to Brooke Castillo's podcast.

I'm up for any "positive" topic: creating better habits, great business podcasts, being a better friend etc.

Do you have one that you recommend?



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I have a spectrum, lol.

On one end, the More 2 Life podcast from Ave Maria radio is a husband and wife Catholic counseling podcast, with topics tied to marriage and family relationship dynamics. They have a solution focused therapy style, so its very practical and I find it to be very healthy in how it handles relationships. 

On the way other end, there is the Gary V experience, which is about entrepreneurship and such. Very positive, but lots of swearing, lol. LOTS of swearing. But still positive and motivational. I've seen a HUGE different in my husband's outlook on life since he started listening. He's actually optimistic about things for the first time in his life. 


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5 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

I have a spectrum, lol.

On one end, the More 2 Life podcast from Ave Maria radio is a husband and wife Catholic counseling podcast, with topics tied to marriage and family relationship dynamics. They have a solution focused therapy style, so its very practical and I find it to be very healthy in how it handles relationships. 

On the way other end, there is the Gary V experience, which is about entrepreneurship and such. Very positive, but lots of swearing, lol. LOTS of swearing. But still positive and motivational. I've seen a HUGE different in my husband's outlook on life since he started listening. He's actually optimistic about things for the first time in his life. 



I have to check them out. So, don't laugh...but if I type that into youtube, it will pop up?

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For cleaning- a slob comes clean or clutterbug.

I’ll second Happier as well.  Super wide range of topics and most helpful.  Her audiobook (better than before) is hours of habit motivation and tips, but the digital or physical book may be easier for note taking.

For health and nutrition: nutrition facts podcast.


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