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Playing board games with flash cards


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Flash cards are really piling up over here. We need to regularly review cards for AAS and AAR. We have math fact flash cards and Spanish flash cards. I even printed out the cards in the back of the SOTW activity book with grand plans to review them regularly. Flash card apps don't appeal to me right now, but we love playing board games.

Does anyone know of a good resource for printable board games you can use with flash cards of any kind? Or directions for adapting board games we already have, without a ton of work?

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Right off the top of my head I'm thinking memory. Say, match the Spanish word to the picture/English word. For math, variations on Math War are always popular - toss out two cards, largest sum/product or smallest difference wins. Game ends when one player has all of the deck.

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For Spanish you can play Guess Who. Lay out all the cards in a grid and the player must ask a question (in Spanish if appropriate) to eliminate cards until one remains. 

You could use math facts cards for any board game that normally uses dice to move. If you are practicing multiplication facts, because the numbers are so big, you could have the movement be the difference or sum of the digits in the answer.

I'm not familiar with AAR or AAS cards. If they are word cards perhaps you could adapt a version of Silly Sentences or Rory's Story Cubes.

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I made modified Battleship boards for AAS sound cards because the letters with multiple sounds were hard to remember.  It was a quicker game, and the rules were changed so that in order to put a fleet together you had to name all the sounds for each of the circles on the ship and fit your ship on your board. The first one to finish their fleet successfully won.

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