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Well-Trained Bodies- December Edition


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11 hours ago, soror said:

Did we make it through Christmas? 

I had some indulgences Christmas day and some on Sunday and I skipped tracking a few days (starting with eating too much food I didn't make and not being up to guessing how much it was). My step count has been better overall although I'm sure Christmas was low (didn't wear my watch) but I did a lot of sitting around.

No official exercise, shame, shame, I know!!! But I have been busy working around the house other than Christmas day I've not had a lot of downtime, I'm trying to get caught up on things around the house while we're on break and am making some massive progress.

I don't think there is any issue with my doseage, I had a bit of a whoosh drop in weight but it's not continued to drop like that and I don't feel high. I have more energy but not an excess, probably from upping my vit D as it wasn't quite where it should be on my last test and weight loss can come in fits and spurts. 

I'm not even going to pretend to make plans for the rest of the break! Next week we're back to TKD so exercise will start back then if not before. 


Yep, I think I made it 🙂 I even tracked most of the food, even though a few times it was a very rough estimate. Still, I lost a few ounces, according to my scale. I didn't move much, since there was limited fencing, but I did spend 40-45 min on the bike every day, except Sunday. The rest of the time though I was either sitting or binge-watching Netflix in my bed . I finished the series last night, so hopefully today will be more productive.

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12 hours ago, OlgaLA said:

Yep, I think I made it 🙂 I even tracked most of the food, even though a few times it was a very rough estimate. Still, I lost a few ounces, according to my scale. I didn't move much, since there was limited fencing, but I did spend 40-45 min on the bike every day, except Sunday. The rest of the time though I was either sitting or binge-watching Netflix in my bed . I finished the series last night, so hopefully today will be more productive.

Good for you on the tracking and biking! What did you binge watch??? 

Are you thinking about January and new year goals yet?? Usually, I've got it figured out but I don't know this year. On my weight, I'm aiming for the range that I was in the spring/summer, ideally a couple pounds under for some wiggle room. On the exercise front, I don't even know, seriously no clue. I HATE not having a plan. So, I guess for the time being it will be continuing on as I have been- weightlifting on Tues/Thurs (sometimes Sat or Sun too) walking/hiking/biking when I can.

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11 hours ago, soror said:

Good for you on the tracking and biking! What did you binge watch??? 

Are you thinking about January and new year goals yet?? Usually, I've got it figured out but I don't know this year. On my weight, I'm aiming for the range that I was in the spring/summer, ideally a couple pounds under for some wiggle room. On the exercise front, I don't even know, seriously no clue. I HATE not having a plan. So, I guess for the time being it will be continuing on as I have been- weightlifting on Tues/Thurs (sometimes Sat or Sun too) walking/hiking/biking when I can.

I refuse to incriminate myself  😉  Honestly, it was a total cringe fest. I don't know why I watched it and definitely wouldn't recommend to anyone.

I was thinking about goals for the next year, but I am having hard time. I want to lose some more fat, but I don't really care if my total weight drops, stays the same or even goes up a little. I want to see more definition on my arms and stomach, but that's about it. So, no real quantifiable goals here. Fencing is also hard. Winning any competitions depends too much on other people and, frankly, luck. So, no good way to quantify anything either. Training hours are also sketchy due to coach traveling, schedule conflicts, and other things. Bike is a conditioning thing for me. I just don't know what my goals here are. Maybe I can set it to something like at least 2 hrs a week or see if I can make it to 100-150 hours by the end of the year? Right now my tracker app has set a goal of 5 times a week workout (any workout) of at least 30 minutes a day. I am enjoying getting it filled, so for now I want to continue that.

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On 12/23/2018 at 7:12 AM, soror said:


On 12/23/2018 at 7:12 AM, soror said:

I only ran 2 5ks but both I had crazy adrenaline both days, first one I was 5 min slower than my practice time and the other ended up 5 min faster. Are you up to practicing 5k straight yet? 

Good plan for the week! 


I have run the whole distance once now and I plan on running that distance for my next 6 runs before the race on the 13th. My only goal is to run the whole thing so I feel good about achieving that goal. 

My gym opens back up this week. I’m excited to get back to strength training. 

Goals for the week 1 spin class, 2 strength training classes, 2 yoga classes 1 elliptical session and 4 runs. I’d also like to get my diet back on track after all the holidays. 

After the race in January I think I’m going to try Hal Higdon’s novice 10K plan. I think more miles on my legs would really help me shave some time off my runs. 

I need to set some goals for the new year. 

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Ok, I need some goals.  I have been on the elliptical a bit and would like to either bump that up, or do something else, or have some variety.

I was considering a membership to Beachbody Streaming for workouts.  Thoughts?  Or is the Elliptical and some light weight training enough for now?  

And I need to get my eating back into some sort of routine.  I have a lot of gut issues.  I am realizing I can't eat a lot of salads, roughage, or nuts.  When I do, I have gut irritation and issues. I need to get back on a good probiotic or something.

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