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Extra Practice needed for 1st year diagramming sentences


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My 11 year old son (6th grade) is having some difficulty diagramming sentences.  We are using the purple book, Student Workbook 1.  Is there a resource that has extra practice sentences that he can diagram?  When we go through and correct them, he seems to understand but I would like to give him additional sentences to do on his own before I feel confident enough to move on.  His struggle is mostly with Adverbs that tell when, where and how often.  Thanks!

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If you can go without an answer key, I really like MCT Practice Island for this purpose. MCT does not teach diagramming; it teaches parsing, but I think that parsing is a helpful pre-diagramming activity. Once the sentence is parsed, I have my boys diagram it in the margin below. PI does not have an answer key for diagramming, like I said, so you will need to be able to identify any errors in diagramming yourself, but usually IMHE, having the parsing above allows you to do this fairly easily and quickly. Also, the MCT Practice Island sentences are generally simple, which makes it easy to see repetition errors based on misunderstandings and correct them at a foundational level.

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Does he have a language or other disability? You might want to approach it another way and come back. Take pictures and form sentences with how phrases and how words. Form them expressively, intentionally. Or look in his reading (I'm using sentences from Encyclopedia Brown right now with my ds) and select ones that have how phrases and how words to diagram. Do it together, guided.

The Rothstein Power Books for Syntax would also help you target these problem areas.

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