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Common app-my daughter went to public school last 2 years will graduate with a home school diploma. Should I be the counselor?

Carpe Diem

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This maybe tricky. My DD also was homeschooled through her Sophomore year and has been dual enrolled this and last year with a public high school. When she went to fill out the Common App, we discovered that her high school had preloaded the counselor and all of the teachers. That would definitely make it easier for the majority of students but my DD’s program has a different counselor and the students from her program select their teacher recommenders for the CC instructors. Her counselor will have to load all of her teacher recommendations and coordinate with the other counselor for the counselor letter. 

Obviously this is not a problem for colleges which have their own applications and I understand that there is not the same issue with the Cottilion app. 

That said I suggest you start an app to see if it will even allow you to be counselor prior to committing one way or another. 

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Where is her current and final transcript coming from - you or the school? I think that the entity that is issuing the transcript should be the current school of record, and the counselor should come from there. I don't know that with certainty, but that's my instinct after 4 kids (2 public school, 1 private school, and 1 homeschool) and lots of time on the common app!

Have you discussed this with the school counselor? They may also have some guidance for you.


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Yes -- if the school is not issuing the diploma, then the counselor may not make it clear in the report that your student is a high school graduate. However, if your recommendations and activities from the high school are an important part of your child's story and the counselor is willing, it might be best to work together on a joint counselor's report (there cannot be two).

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Thank you everyone for your replies. I think I need to contact the school counselor.(I don't like this thought. LOL)  It was my understanding that because we didn't jump through their hoops and have my daughter test out for all of her classes that she did at home that she would not get their diploma. I was okay with her not having their diploma. I think there might be another diploma given like the "student attended here but didn't do the full requirements" even though we did

I didn't realize there can not be two counselor reports. Could I sneak my own in, for the area that you upload documents? 


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11 hours ago, Carpe Diem said:

I didn't realize there can not be two counselor reports. Could I sneak my own in, for the area that you upload documents? 


You could do one of the "other" recommendations - under that category there is a box you can tick for parent recommenders. There is also a place in the app where a student can basically answer the question "Is there anything else you want to add." If you want to do your own recommendation I would speak with the individual schools, and make sure that they understand why you are doing that. Given that she has partly homeschooled, they may want to see something from you.

Other people may have better suggestions, but those are two places I know of where you can insert something. However, if her school counselor is the counselor of record you won't be able to access that part of the app at all - they will have control of the school profile and all those documents.

Good luck - it sounds like a tricky situation. It's too bad that the school wasn't more flexible.

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I was able to talk to the school counselor today and she was very nice. She was not sure how to best handle this situation. She suggested I contact the Common App maybe through their chat box to inquire.

It is true that my daughter will not receive their diploma, but rather something that says she attended for part of the highschool career and it will say something about a homeschool diploma.

So, for the education section where it asks for current or most recent school I will put the public high school. Do I then indicate that she will or will not graduate from this school? If she doesn't have their diploma it is like she will not graduate from the school? I am fine being the counselor I think. I just need to somehow get her official transcript from the school into the common app? Or would it be best to have them be the counselor and bring my official transcript and have them upload it?

Any further input?

Thank you all so much!!!

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16 hours ago, Carpe Diem said:

I was able to talk to the school counselor today and she was very nice. She was not sure how to best handle this situation. She suggested I contact the Common App maybe through their chat box to inquire.

It is true that my daughter will not receive their diploma, but rather something that says she attended for part of the highschool career and it will say something about a homeschool diploma.

So, for the education section where it asks for current or most recent school I will put the public high school. Do I then indicate that she will or will not graduate from this school? If she doesn't have their diploma it is like she will not graduate from the school? I am fine being the counselor I think. I just need to somehow get her official transcript from the school into the common app? Or would it be best to have them be the counselor and bring my official transcript and have them upload it?

Any further input?

Thank you all so much!!!

 The issue I see with your idea is that the current school and the counselor are linked. So when your child puts "X High School" as their current school (with their CEEB code), she will also list her counselor's name and contact information on that same page. If she puts your name there, I think you will automatically be listed as a counselor for X High School - and that's how it will look when you open your recommender account. I'm not 100% sure about that though, and I suggest that you make a dummy account for your daughter and try various scenarios.

I think it would be good for you to get advice from people with more experience! I wonder if you would get more responses if you cross-posted your question on the general High School page. BTW my understanding is that trying to get this type of question answered by the people at the Common App is fruitless, but you can give it a try!

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Thank you so much Kirag714. I did open a dummy account as well, but now I can't figure out how to get to it as it always pops up my daughter's log in information. I wonder if I put down that my daughter will not graduate from this school then maybe it will not ask for counselor info? Maybe I can put down she will graduate from homeschooling (although not her recent school.)

Thank you for the suggest to cross post. I hadn't thought of that.

So far no response from the Common App!


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