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Books on Texas History

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There is a nice TX history curriculum on www.currclick.com that uses living books. The Story of Texas is the spine.


is the link.


There are two publishers of Texas history books (typically living) here:

Hendrick-Long Publishing Company


Eakin Press.


There is a 3-book series from Bethlehem Books. It is the Texas Panhandle series by Loula Grace Erdman. The Wind Blows Free, The Wide Horizon and The Good Land.


If your kids are early elementary or younger, I would suggest you look into the Bluebonnet Books by Mary Brooke Casad. These have a little history and geography in them.


If you are in the Houston area, be sure to stop by The Homeschool Store (www.thehomeschoolstore.com) and look at their offerings of Texas History books.

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I'm in TX, but not from TX. It absolutely cracks me up that Texas History is considered it's own subject in schools here. I don't remember a "New Jersey History" class! :lol:


My husband's son, before he became a missionary, was a Texas History public school teacher.


Because I have Texas Kids, I'll be teaching Texas history but I will still giggle.

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We have a book titled "The Boy Captives" that I think we picked up at the Alamo or some place around it. It's not well written but its about some young boys that were kidnapped by Commanches and reared until their teens by either Commanches or Apaches. It would be interesting to those 12 and up. It may be to scary for those little ones.


I recommend hitting some of the visitor centers or gift shops close by. So many of them carry small press books about the history of Texas. At the Sam Houston memorial, there is a very good gift shop with interesting toys and books. Once we started travelling Texas we discovered that Texas is just oozing with stories and intrigue! There are historical sites all over, and many are really worth seeing....when its not so hot outside.

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