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Quick-What are 3 everyday problems you face

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Wow, thanks for all the the great advice! I'm sitting here taking notes with tears streaming out. It's just nice to know somebody else out there understands and that I'm not THE ultimate failure mom of homeschooling history! lol I suppose if others have struggled with similar things then it's not all that abnormal. Since I posted that it dawned on me, "Duh! Read Psalms!" so I've been reading a chapter from Psalms in the morning and one from Proverbs at night. I am already on drugs (the legal Dr. prescribed kind) despite really not wanting to go that route. I will definately do my research to see how many of these vitamins and other such helpers I can implement together safely.

Also since posting before, I made up a little daily schedule thing for each of my kids. It's not a fancy Excel chart but it works. I have the kids' subjects for the day listed out under their name on their respective chart and when they get one done they can take that subject off their chart (subjects are listed individually on separate poster-board peices) and turn it upside down to show that it's "done". DH gets a copy of their schedules (just written on notebook paper the night before) and the kids think this is so he can see what all they've accomplished. Really it's for him to hold me accountable. I did tell him I need him to do that, that I felt myself slipping, just not exactly how far. With their charts DH can see how much we have left to do for the day as well, and that in itself is motivation for me. I don't want him to see that we've done nadda all day long, so we've been moving through our subjects more efficiently. About telling him how far behind we are... I was just kind of hoping I could fix it myself without him having to know. Just don't want the "I told you so" or the "that's it, the kids are going to school" talk. He's already super-supportive and does help, so that wouldn't change if I told him. We don't keep things from eachother so this does feel weird. I've promised myself that if I fall into that kind of funk again then I have to tell him for the good of the kids. Thanks so much again for the kind words.

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2. while we're on that topic, at least one of my three toilet going boys stops up their toilet every. single. day. with their no. 2. sick.


3. i am five minutes late everywhere i go. i was just starting to get that under control before baby no. 4 arrived...*sigh*


I have a couple of solutions to this besides the check if it might need to be snaked - 'cause you should do that first.


A - Switch that bathroom to the cheeeeeeep single ply toilet paper. My youngest kept stopping up the toilet and I could not figure out why until I watched her measure paper. There was no amount of help I could give her that didn't require more of me being somewhere I didn't want to be. So I switched to single ply. Problem solved. No more clogged kids toilet from that one.

B - More water. Some kids just have rougher pipes. Add a glass of water twice a day a specified time just like medicine. See if that helps after a few days.

C - Does he maybe have a problem with milk? really. stuffy/runny noses. circles under eyes. maybe not digesting milk properly.

D - prescription oatmeal for breakfast with a glass of orange juice with extra pulp.


For problem 3 - 5 minutes late. How many kids do you have? 4? wow. :hurray: 5 minutes late with a new baby is awesome. You will get that back undercontrol Maybe assign the olders specific tasks to help with the process each time.

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1 - The rubber seal around the door of my fridge is coming loose. Can I put it back somehow?


2 - My husband takes off his dirty clothes and neatly hangs them over a chair in the bedroom. It drives me batty. I feel like it is too small to complain over, but I have asked him about it. Am I supposed to wash them or leave them there? How do I make him stop?


3 - My 4yo has started asking us to feed her. What is up with that?

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1. The handles to my pots and pans keep coming loose. Well, they are 21 years old. Do I need to get bigger screws? I have to re-screw them in everyday. I'm afraid one day I'll forget and the pot will fall off when I pick it up. Don't want to get new pots--these are still in great condition except the handle thing. Besides, new cookware is definitely not in the budget.


2. 3 yo dd crawls into my bed nearly every night. It happens in the wee hours when I'm too tired to move. Most of the time it doesn't even wake me up.


3. The rubber gasket to my front loader is mildewed. Eeww! The water just sits there. Can't leave the washer door open because it's in a much-used hallway. Dh would love to replace the whole thing with a top loader but, again, not in the budget and except for the mildew thing the front loader works great. But at times it leaves mildew stains on the clothes. Or are those dirty soap stains? Maybe I'm using too much detergent and it's not rinsing out? But when I use less the clothes don't seem clean. Maybe I need to double rinse? Right now mostly whites are affected so I usually wash a load of something else and make the whites the second load. That helps most of the time. I wonder if those gaskets can be replaced?



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1 -

2 - My husband takes off his dirty clothes and neatly hangs them over a chair in the bedroom. It drives me batty. I feel like it is too small to complain over, but I have asked him about it. Am I supposed to wash them or leave them there? How do I make him stop?




I can't help you, but I can sympathize. Dh does the same thing. Only it's on the bedpost. Apparently it's clean enough to wear again, but not put away? :confused:

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1. I can't get things done because I read too many books.


2. I can't get things done because I am playing on the computer.


3. I can't get things done because I am watching TV.


Can anyone come up with a solution to my problems! :001_rolleyes:[/quote


This may help a little. My library recently started carrying these downloaded books on a thing that looks like an ipod. All you do is pop your headphones in and press play. The thing can fit into your pocket as you do chores.

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Just remembered.


4. All shampoos I've tried either make my head itch or the fragrance gives me a headache.


Someone else mentioned that she stopped using shampoo. She uses baking soda to wash and vinegar as conditioner. I know some people that use a natural cleanser... it is used for everything in their house... laundry, cleaning, toothpaste, shampoo...:lol: I am actually looking into it.

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