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I broke my glasses :(

Night Elf

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I stepped on them and broke the side piece off. I'm overdue for an examination anyway so I called my Kaiser member services to verify my regular eye doctor is still in their system. Apparently my benefits is a $45 copay for the exam and $100 towards glasses every 24 months. I'm going to take my broken glasses in and get an estimate on the repair fees. I have no idea how much they charge to repair such a break. Thank goodness I have an extra pair. I just had to pay for two new tires and now this.

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Sorry about your glasses.  The "Temple" is the part that goes to one ear. If that is broken, hopefully an Optician will have a similar "Temple" they can put on for you. It probably will not match exactly, but will serve well for an emergency or backup pair of eyeglasses. That would get you going quickly...

If your copay for new eyeglasses is $100 USD, what would they cost you from ZenniOptical?   Probably less than $100 USD?    On our last order (placed July 4th) the most expensive pair, before the 20% Discount Code was applied, is shown at $58.85 and that included Progressive Lenses and the Anti Reflective Coating.

We pay $2.50 extra for "Priority" shipping to a U.S. address, which brings the Shipping charge up to $7.45, which covers one pair or multiple pairs.

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I have Kaiser insurance. I don't know how it would work to order glasses from a non-affiliate.

The guy who does the repairs wasn't in today but the lady said the way they snapped, there's a problem with the barrel. She said if they have a screw that will fit, he could probably put that in and it would just be a backup pair because it likely wouldn't last long. She said if I got a pair of glasses just like the pair I'm replacing, my portion will be about $130 and that's for frames, lenses and the anti reflective coating. I don't think that's too bad. Your price is definitely better but I best Kaiser doesn't do that. 

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I'm not sure what you mean by the Barrel.  If the Frame is Plastic, those are more fragile than Metal frames. I hope they can salvage that pair for you, so you can have it for a backup, when you get new eyeglasses, after you have your new prescription.

Zenni probably would not take your insurance, but, depending upon the Eyeglasses you select, and the Prescription and any Coatings, I suspect you would pay less than $130 USD, out of pocket and not need to use your insurance for the eyeglasses, but I am not positive of that, since I don't know the details of your new prescription, etc.

Again, I hope they can repair your old eyeglasses, so you can use them temporarily, now, and then as a Backup pair, when you have your new glasses.

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Thankfully I have another pair. I keep one in the car and one in the house. Now that my house pair is broken, I'm wearing my others. I just need to remember to wear them to work. I cannot function in my job without my glasses. I've put a reminder on my phone on work days to remember my glasses. ?

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