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Chemistry for 2nd and 4th grade?


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I'm starting to waver on my science choice for this year. I combine my 2nd and 4th for science, this year has been voted Chemistry.

I had originally planned to use RSO Chemistry 1. I decided just to look around more to see if there were other options we would like before doing the full purchase. I've discovered the Creek Edge task cards. From the sample, this looks like the type of "discovery" learning my kids like, esp the 2nd grader, where they get to research and look at a bunch of different sources to find an answer or do a project. Are the Creek Edge cards useable alone as the guide for a year of science? I know they'll need actual sources like books, encyclopedias, etc., but I'm wondering if I need to have a science book like RSO and then the task cards are more like homework or supplemental activity ideas, or if the task cards alone will give a good coverage of the topic for the year?

Also, if you have any favorite ideas for this age/subject, I'd love to hear them, thanks! ?

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Adventures with Atoms and Molecules is my all time favorite introduction to Chemistry for younger grades.. It basically uses ice, water dye etc in experiment after experiment to explain how atoms and molecules work . It also introduces scientific language in an understandable was 

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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We've used the CEP cards for other subjects.  They definitely stand alone. It's notebook based.  Each week we used to use one card, go over and schedule all the activities, and change if need be.
I will say this-the cards go very well with the selections from Noeo science programs. They do have a Chem for 3rd-6th that is easily moved down to 2nd.  The package comes with a stack of books -mostly Usborne internet linked, and some extras like Adventures With Atoms And Molecules and Aristotle Leads The Way, experiments, and a schedule.  We used those in late elementary and the books have stuck around a good long while.  The science encyclopedia wore out, but the rest are still sitting on the shelf well used.

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