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We just opted out of being a finalist for a t.v. show...

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A kind person from our community nominated us as a candidate for one of those t.v. home remodeling shows. However, it just wasn't the right time or thing for us at this juncture in our lives.


We had been in contact w/ the show and completed all of the preliminary steps. I even spoke w/ a rep on the phone. I told her we were just a normal, boring family who tries to avoid the rat race. LOL> Not too exciting. Heck, we had never even heard of the show until we checked it out on the Web!


Anyway, it sure was neat to be nominated and considered.





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Jean, dh and I thought the same thing...how kind of someone to even think of us! There are so many considerate and thoughtful people in this world. Blessings.



We actually were in one of the Learning Channel shows. they redid my school room and laundry room. They were fascinated by homeschooling but acted like my children were not getting any education at all. But as usual, they complimented them every day as unusually good kids. Drove me crazy the way they seemed to feel the need to explain everything to my kids in a sing song tone like they were idiots or something. Crazy Hollywood people.!

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Are you at liberty to say which one, Camy?


A dear friend of mine is in desperate need of some kind of make-over for her home for her physically handicapped little girl. I nominated her, but I'm not sure she'll finish the process. She is too humble to accept a whole new home like the Extreme show, but she sure needs some help. She's single, adopted her dd, and her home just wasn't made for a wheelchair.

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I would be absolutely MORTIFIED if someone nominated me for a home remodeling show (or a human remodeling show, for that matter.;)). You're a sweetheart to be able to see the kindness in that action. I, on the other hand, would be like, "Ummm...so is this you're way of telling me something?":tongue_smilie:

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I would be absolutely MORTIFIED if someone nominated me for a home remodeling show (or a human remodeling show, for that matter.;)). You're a sweetheart to be able to see the kindness in that action. I, on the other hand, would be like, "Ummm...so is this you're way of telling me something?":tongue_smilie:



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I know several people who have mentioned how they'd like to be on Extreme Home Makeover and some of those decluttering shows. The family who mentioned Extreme Home Makeover did have someone nominate them, but I don't think anything ever came of it. They are one of the most deserving families I know, though, and do so much for other people.


For the other type of show, I don't think I'm brave enough to nominate even someone who has said they'd like to be on it. I'm just not sure how much they mean that or if they'd change their mind and think I just thought they were terrible for their clutter. It's a little tricky. Perhaps that's because I am not good at accepting help or being under a critical eye. Yet I know that if I wanted to nominate someone for one of these shows, it would be with the best intentions and only thinking badly of the clutter (because I know how it affects them) and not the people who own it.


I agree with Colleen. Camy, you are a kind and gracious woman to see the good intent. And I'm sure that all that was meant was good intent and wanting to see such a dear family have something nice done for them. The folks who get nominated and selected for these shows always seem to be families who do so much for others and people just want to see them get something back.

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LOL, Colleen, you are such a stinker. Actually, the better person is R. He was nominated by fellow boardmembers (serving on a community kids sports board). Thank God none of those board members saw our house. LOL. I have a time of it trying to keep our walls clean of fingerprints and marker writing. They may also think I am cruel, as I only have two boxes of toys in our whole house (small boxes) and the other "toys" are shelves full of books! My biggest issue was thinking of trying to keep the kids occupied while 20 or so individuals would be working on our house (and me, in my last trimester of pregnancy..yikes). Just for that, I'm going to nominate you right now (grin...nudge..just kidding). :o)

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