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The new WW plan?


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I am interested as well.  I have a.LOT of weight to loss....but want to start with 30#.  I used (with success) the old points program.  I am wondering if the new program is that much better/easier or if I am better off using the program that did work before (before an injury, major life stressors, and menopause).

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I am afraid I ate too much free food. The new plan didn't work for me as I am too good at "head games." And all the food I actually like, well, the points increased for them and my total points decreased! A perfect storm, lol.

If you are able to eat sensibly from the free food list, then things will be different for you.

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10 hours ago, Ottakee said:

I am interested as well.  I have a.LOT of weight to loss....but want to start with 30#.  I used (with success) the old points program.  I am wondering if the new program is that much better/easier or if I am better off using the program that did work before (before an injury, major life stressors, and menopause).


I think I am going to try the online version. I just don't have time to go to meetings.  I downloaded it and it looks good.  I am a healthy eater and a vegetarian so I love that things like plain beans, eggs, veggies, fruits, etc are free.  This seems legit doable for me.  I don't have a great metabolism so the key will be ... do I lose?  haha  We will see.  ? 

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