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2 Moms, 5 Kids and a trip to Japan

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Ever have one of those ideas that seems fantastic, but then you start to wonder if it REALLY is a good idea?


Well, since DH is active duty and we live in HI, dds and I can fly Space A on military planes around the Pacific. We used to live in Japan and I have several friends there, so we like to go back for visits. So I planned a trip for March. Then, I invited another military HSing friend and her kids to come. She's never been to Japan.


Now I'm planning out this trip, fortunately with a LOT of help from my Japanese friend who will be joining us with her DH to visit Kyoto and Nara. My Japanese friends like to travel in groups, so what was just my friend, myself, our 5 kids and my Japanese friend and her DH, has turned into 2 American moms, 5 kids (12,12,9,9,4), 2 Japanese couples, another Japanese woman and a French man all traveling to Kyoto! Sounds like the start of a joke, huh?


Mind you, we are all the adventurous sort, or I wouldn't have dreamed of even suggesting this trip, but I do have to wonder how things will turn out?!:confused:

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We found Japan really easy to get around and do things. My fil works in Tokyo. My kids especially liked Miyajima Island (it is overrun by tame deer and is great for walking/hiking) and the Miyazaki Museum (the creator of my neighbor Tortoro). They also enjoy walking around Hiroshima and talking about the history but did not like the museum my kids 6-16 were disturbed by the images and displays. Frankly so was I, it was just too graphic. Since you are women with children if you take the subs in Tokyo definitely ride during no peak or if during peak ride in the women only cars. Trust me on this. I wanted a shower after the gropey ride. EEEwww! Not to mention they have pushers during rush hour that squeeze everyone in and my six year old got smooshed. I have travelled by myself with the three to Korea before and it is manageable. I would do it in a heart beat.


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My husband is a former Marine and we lived in Iwakuni, Japan at the Marine Corps Air Station there for 3 years. We have very fond memories and made some very dear friends while there. I hope you have a WONDERFUL trip!!! Sounds very exciting..flying Space A always adds adventure to the trip ;)

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