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We're going in to register dd15 for fall 11th grade dual enrollment classes tomorrow, and ran into questions.

She has already taken honors biology during 9th grade and  regular chemistry during 10th. We had planned on physics for 11th grade, and then an AP Biology class for 12th, but we've shifted to planning for her to do almost entirely dual enrollment. Her current long-term plan is a biology major and then veterinary school. 

But if she's doing mostly dual enrollment, not high school level classes, how does it look to repeat biology? In other words, to do a dual enrollment biology class instead of an AP bio class? Given that she has already earned an A in honors biology, is the dual enrollment biology likely to be sufficiently more difficult to justify doing biology twice?

And, a related question: is there any problem doing her biology DE class in 11th grade, before physics? She is relatively weaker in math than in other areas, and will be doing precal this year. Waiting to tackle physics until she has finished precal seems to make sense. Both of those classes intimidate her a bit. But, again, it just seems a bit odd to do biology again in 11th grade when she just did it in 9th.

Am I over thinking this? What would you do?

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Is the DE biology class a college class for biology majors or for non-majors? If she plans to major in biology and already had honors biology, I would dual enroll only in a class that is designed for biology majors and transfers as such. I wouldn't do an intro biology course three times.

Whether AP is a good choice depends on whether the biology department gives credit for AP bio for their majors. The course for which the college gives credit may not be the one for majors.

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The only other biology option would be human anatomy and physiology, which might be fine. 

There are cell biology, genetics, and other options, but they have the Bio 101 class as a prerequisite. The course descriptions for 101 and 102 don't say if they are for majors or non-majors. The catalog does list a basic Bio 1 option for students who have not had a strong background, but otherwise it's just got 101, 102, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and then the more advanced courses.

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I would call admissions for the colleges she's looking to go to premed.   I asked this question at one college and was told they do see 2 bio on a lot of transcripts when kids DE.  Our local high school does DE Chem and Bio, but they also do Chem and Bio at the HS level in 10th and 11th grades (DE is just 12th).  My DD just finished bio in 9th grade, and I plan for her to take it agsin DE in 11th or 12th grade.  I don't know what your goals are with DE, but I would let DD choose if she wanted to take it again now, if she does it in 11th she may have opportunity to take the neater classes later on.

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