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It's Graduation Week! 5-29-2018


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It's Thankful Tuesday! Welcome to the Lounge!

This week is dd's LAST WEEK of high school!!! WOW! Lots to prep for the party - my brain included!

Any parties going on in your lives this week? Here: besides our own, a friend is having his grad party the very next day!

What's on your schedule for today? Here: I'm finalizing details for the party, including errands to the bank and the Dollar Tree.

What's for dinner tonight? Here: Philly cheesesteak sandwiches and salad.

Talk to me! :bigear:

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It's Thankful Tuesday! Welcome to the Lounge!

Congrats to your Dd, Scrap! And to you, way to go homeschool mama! 

I am thankful for so much, including the reminder to be thankful!

Any parties going on in your lives this week? No parties this week. Just general enjoying summer.

What's on your schedule for today?  Summer school work (very light), swimming, VBS prep, sleeping late, general summer fun stuff

Dinner is Greek: lamb burgers, tabbouleh, greek salad

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I guess I'm going to make it Thankful Thursday for me..

This is my second ds's last week of school.  His graduation party is Saturday.  I have learned from my experience with my oldest not to wait till later in June/July for the party as we tried to work around other public school friends/relatives parties, and I spent to much of summer break worrying about the one we were throwing.

So it is a picnic at a local park.  I am trying to keep it simple, but I still feel like I am going in four directions at once.  My younger two sons do still have about 3 weeks of school left so it doesn't really feel like a finale to me.

We do not have any other parties going on yet.  Here in NY public school has a few weeks left.

Dinner tonight is burgers.

 I am thankful that the weather Saturday is starting to look as if it may be decent.




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