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The New Friends Teachers Lounge 5-24-2018


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from a few things: dh and I went to a Coffee with a Cop event this morning - where the community can meet at a restaurant and get
to know a few of the officers from the local precinct. Plus talk about and develop Neighborhood Watch programs, etc. Love things like that! But even bigger news
is that my aspie daughter made a true new friend the other day! We were in the local tea shop, run by a couple that I know. They have a son who's about a year old
than my dd, is also an aspie, and lives down the street. Today they're planning on walking to the local community center together! ❤️ it! I also love that she decided 
to do her school work first!

What are your plans for today? Here: while I'm at the VA, I will most likely be working on the 2nd half of my personal planner. I've had two now that I made from composition books
and I love it! Seems to be the best one for me! Then tonight, dh and I will meet with friends for a board game.

Temps today? Here: 89*F currenty, with an anticipate high of 98*F.

What's your favorite color? Here: depends on the day, really. Today it's green. It ranges, usually, between green, brown, and red. And sometimes gray.

Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi Scrap!

Plans for the day: Well, I've spent most of the day stuck at my desk doing office work. Not my favorite way to spend the day! I got a lot done, though.

Temp: It's 84* right now. The next several days are supposed to be hot ones, around 90*. Hopefully, it won't get too humid.

Favorite color: Bright red.

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That sounds great for your dd! 

Today started with doing school with ds, then I had to go to church for a meeting with our children's pastor and another person in our children's ministry. It was to discuss possible changes for next year and to discuss my role. Then I had to tutor the student I will be seeing all summer. Tonight will be dinner and taking ds to swim if the weather holds up. 

The high today is 81. It started out overcast and is sunny now. There might be a storm tonight. 

My favorite color is green, too! It's more like a deep green than bright, though.  


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Missed this thread yesterday. Scrap, that's hot! We're just getting into warm weather here. No humidity yet, either, which makes being outdoors really nice. That Coffee with a Cop event sounds wonderful. Hope it was a positive experience for your community.

I went for 3 different bike rides on my new bicycle yesterday; one in the suburbs, one in the country, and one in a small town. I was driving my dd around to her violin lessons, and popped the bike in the van so I could ride while she was teaching. 

Green was the colour of the day with all the trees and foliage. 

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