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Fun Pregnancy Announcement Ideas


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Do you guys ever play games at these dinners? Could you suggest a game of pictionary?

Is your mom or MIL going to be there? Have you given her a Mother's Day gift yet? Or could you say her other gift just came in the mail and have her open it in front of everyone? Maybe a 3 picture frame with your 2 DD's in it and then the third one could have an ultrasound picture or a piece of paper with grandkid #3 coming December 2018 or something like that.


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Of course, a reveal cake or cupcakes is an easy way to do it.  Pink or Blue or maybe one layer of each if you don't know the sex.


OK Googled and found this.... https://www.whattoexpect.com/forums/february-2011-babies/topic/fun-ways-to-announce-pregnancy-to-a-group.html


"I read this somewhere - have everyone gather for a family picture and then of saying "everyone say cheese" say "everybody say Jane is having a baby". Then you get a good picture of everyones first reaction."


That would be neat!



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set an extra place at the table, and when people ask who it is for, give the news?

Put an ultrasound photo on the fridge and see who is nosy enough to notice?

Verbally list what there is to eat and add it on at the end...like, "Ok everyone, we have fried chicken, mashed potatoes, slaw, and fruit. Oh, and a bun in the oven." And see who realizes what you just said.

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If you do dessert, you could make a cake with "Congrats" or "January 2019" on it. When they ask what it's all about, tell them. 

Have your older children wear a shirt announcing it, and see how long it takes for someone to notice. 

Serve spaghetti. I don't now if you serve yourself then sit, or if you eat family style at the table, so tweak as necessary ... you get seated before anyone else. Plate a huge amount of spaghetti on your plate, put a jar of Prego sauce in front of you, and then invite everyone else into the room for dinner. See if anyone puts 2+2 together as they sit down to eat. 

Write a message on the bottom of everyone's plates or bowls. "You're going to be a Grandpa!" or "Nephew #3 arriving in Jan!" under all of the food. As each person finishes eating, they'll see the message. (Not the bottom-bottom of their bowls, but the inside bottom where the food rests LOL.) 

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